Monday, February 18, 2013

Holistory Heritage Health pt3

GEODD vs. God: Having varying pronunciations, similar speech sounds, spoken symbolically. Gard-jard like lord-lard. Or else: G_odd, ge-odd, jee-odd.

Geometrixz; paralleling paradigm to geometries - geometric; Equals = down to planet earth green grassroots gainful growths. The plant + animal + human cosmic coded COLOR Kingdom New World Creative Arts.
Geodd; Divinely decreed geology, geometry, geography. Global World Nations.

GEODDESS GENOBLESS: Equals = Mother Madam Matriarch MaaTrixz; SHE’S HERTXZ = Female Femininity Family Food Foundation. Financial fame, and fortunate findings + funding FeatuRayz.

Geoddess = perfected paralleling paradigm to Goddess!! It’s my mastermind mental model, melaninated member method, membrane militarized mechanism. A material matter manifestation; that’s absolutely, not manmade, manufactured mythology = MYTHOLIGION, nor religion. Instead, an artistic Inner-Vision, RealiVision = Real Live Vision. Butt, better bestowed blessed, beneficially born by being bio-bodily balance!!
Geoddeity, Deified dimensional domain, decreed divinity. Declared, deliberate degrees. Developed determination, deliberately designed destiny. Going in a certain direction, expecting to arrive on time, at a prescribed place. Traveling a roadway, running races realistically, righteously rendered. Decreed Divine Destination!

YES: THE COMFORTER COURAGEOUS COMMANDER CHIEF COLOR KINGDOM NEW WORLD CREATIVE ARTS. Son of Sovereign Sanctuary Solar SUNGODD DEITY = Divinely Decreed Disc Declared Deliberated Dimensional Domain!!!

Preponderant People’s Public Planetary Populations. Personalized power positions, purposed posteriors placed perfectly. Pushing positive propaganda proactively, productive populace, progressively put, percussions poetically preached, portrayed, presented publicly. My melanin mastermind mental model methods, modes, militaristic mechanisms, media, musical metaphysical mediums. Revolutionary Evolutionary Unique Poetic Art Form, Cyber-Jazz-Blues-RapP; HipP & LapP!!
YES: It was said by “BLACK POWER”; Militant Mr. Minister Melanin Mastermind man, Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael. His revolutionary regiments reveals, that some say: ‘kick the White man out of Africa…, get him out of our African American Black communities, neighborhoods…, etc., etc., etc. Only because it is them who want to rule and lord over our Africoidian citizens, in Africa and herein, the Americas United States!’ Many voted for officials are profiteering fakers, fraud in  fact liars. History tell We’s & Us’s that brutal, police powers of oppression has increased since the inner-cities, urban areas, elected Negro leaderships. Mayors and City Council members. Due to them being bogus big black beaver blocking bullying bigots, blatantly bias bastard-bitchcrafts. I gathered this important - imperative information, from what I saw and heard him proclaim on audio-video, during his lecture; early 1990s.
Ref. "Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael) The Fundamentals of Unity"

Imperialism inculcated, injected-inoculated, inside-internally. Incipient inordinate inducements, invidious, insidious, Institutionalized Invasions, intrusions, interventions, interruptions!

Uncletomism - Samboism - Selfhatism: Sellout stooge suckers, silly-stupid sycophants, supporting soulless snake serpent Satanists, Sociopath Supremacy Superiority Superpower Sickness Syndromes!

Certainly, lets hold all of them accountable, even unto death! Get rid of these terrorist thugs, holding powerful political offices, regardless of superficial coloration cosmetic complexions!
The perfected problem solving solution; is to Stop Point Blank Period, playing party politics, and promote performing Promocracy's, sacred SPIRITICS!

Twenty First Century CyberSpaceAge Actionary Artworks, appointed, anointed Ancestry + Artistry. Avatar Avenger AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD, actualized Arch Angel Ark Anchor Ankh Artheist Atom Amen-Ra Z-Blac-Keyz, Z-BlackRayz.

Stop-Point-Blank-Period, raging realities of “RACE” riots, wars, and replacing them with ritual righteous RAYZ, realized rare rich royalties, resources retrieved.
Conscious cosmic colors: white = black… and black = white, when we see them in their negative images, X-rays, gamma rays, opposite optics and visualized sight. And brown = blue, in various shades or tones of that spectral hue. So what we might see superficially, looks to artificially appear different, from another dimensional domain, pervasive perspective view.
EXPERTLY EXECUTED ECONERGYSTICS: Expanding on what a minority means, what’s meant by being a majority vs. a minority? Now next, here’s our optimized objective options: Wexz & Usxz are a Major-Majority + Minor-Minority; well within the general overall whole of America’s United States Statutes. Or simply said the USA.
Exceptionally ENTITLED, to the economical energies, of input, hard earned tax monies, income dollars inside the Federal & States Governances. This inputting, deserves and demands more meaningful money being returned to our personal purses, pocket books, bill folders, bank accounts. This equals = Affirmed Arthiest Actionary Accredited Accounts. And also as accelling, ascending Africoidian Artheist Actionaries!

Artists have contributed cultural cleansing, curing causes, consciously correcting corrupt capitalist corporatist, colonialist cancers, contagious criminalities, combustible civic conflicts, caustic corrosions of civilized capital cash currency = conditional climatic charged changes!

Artworks are done, did indeed do, and still is doing good things today. And also artfully arrived; right now.

Financed Fortunately: These American citizens has been overlooked, literally deprived-depraved, of their rightful Governmental assistance, aid, financial funding foundations. Out one and only true “Founding Fathers” are parental guardians, mothers and fathers, who were never historical hatemongers, nor are presently psychopath, sociopath slave masters, racists, fascists, sexists, Satanists!

Neither do We’s & Us’s have a U.S. CONSTITUTION as citizens. Seeing how it was criminally concocted by capitalist-colonialist Caucasian Caucasoid, “White Males”!
Imposed through forced slavery, cruel Christianized criminality, Catholic crazy citizens commonly called ‘Crackers’ popping the wicked witchcraft WhiTie whips!
Therefore, let’s start all over from scotch, the grassroots ground gifted growths, on a level playing field and bravely bold Battleground of Calvary!
The monetary financial funds already, put into this System, are those in which we want back out of the sinister System. They belonging the us as original owners. Not necessarily reparations, butt better beneficially born bestowed blessed by being: Righteous Restitutions = $$$

Inclusively, land, real-estate properties, farms, ranches, livestock, agriculture -horticulture homelands + homesteads.

Melaninated Member Major-Minor; Majority-Minority Monetary Mandate! The who want, willingly wish to label, brand, of call themselves: “all Black”; “Black Business”; presumptuously, black this that or the other, are on their own, fine and dandy, so be it.

Moreoever, this also artfully applies to those Caucasoid Caucasians, calling themselves “White Supremacists”; “White Power”; and or using the religious politicized prejudices, pushing, preaching the “Race” word “White” person, people, man or woman, boy or girl, female or male, are absolutely out of the question too!

Over the many years of modern American history, these ethnicities, racial groups, have had their hay days, glorious times of getting out huge sums of tax dollars, financed funding from the U.S. Federal Treasury. And has refused to put more money, savings, tax dollars back into said System. So then, they are receiving a bankrupting bill; Mandate of money owed, as indentured servants, subjected debt slaves! Valueless VICTIMS!!!


OK YAWS: here We’s & Us’a are right now today. Seriously seeing some senselessness, selling soulless, things - items - books - publications, dvds - cds, lectures, written words, etc., etc. etc.
Unfortunately, there are a growing number of profiteers, pushing products that people of coloration complexions, do not necessarily need. No necessity! What is plainly and simply happening, is that far too many melaninated members, might mean well, with no ill-will, butt, believe my informing y’all that they are causing civic conflicts, conscious confusion, “Conscious Community” chaos!

They boast about being “all Blacks”, saying or signifying that they have absolutely ‘no Whites‘! The very polarized parties of “Whites only”; and “Coloreds only”; opposing options.

In total told truths 100%+, means melanin membranes who artificially appear pearly pale pink pigmented persons, people, are being branded, labeled as being bad biological bodies. Expressly, is adversely antagonistic towards our organic brothers and sisters, family foundations, of albinos = Africoidians as Afri-Albin-Originals = Lights - Brights. Those who’re not Negroidians or so said; “Blacks”; who‘re actually Darks.

Scholars, educators, teachers, lecturers, book writers - published authors; with wiser world’ s witty wisdom wrote wealthy words. Documented developments, discoveries, inventions, creative crafts, artistic genius. They left this incoming information for all Africans in America, to easily access. Thus to uplift the impoverished indigent, poor down trodden mass melanin members. From the lightest skin sensations to the darkest toned-tanned tissues. Baring nobody!


Now next; others have happily copycatted copyrights, plagiarizing private publications, personalized papers. They diligently studied subjects that were written by deceased Americanized Africoidians, Afrindians, AmeriAfrindians. Blackface brandings, boldly, bravely boasting about them as being “Black” authors and writers. Inclusively, “Negro History” and “Black History’!!

Planet Poem:
Early EARTHORS; Ancient Ancestral Arthiest Actionary Actors; Basic bestowed better blessed benefactors; Firstly foremost family foundational factors; Talented territorial terrestrial truth telling tractors; Authentic actual artistic animators; Athletic aerobic anaerobic activators; Colorful character clean cultured creators; Intelligent intellectual innovators; Optimal Occupyneers orgasmic organic organism originators.__

The entire planetary earthly sphere; Was only one single solitary atmosphere; Having also an ozonosphere; Strategic stationed stratosphere._ The Ultimate Ultra-Universal Unification; United Global-World-Nation; Complete continental concentration; Containment controlled consolidation._
Hominids and humanoids historical migrations; Happened as the planetary plates divided into separations; Many multitudes were automatically set in segregations; As the ocean-sea waters caused Isolations; And some societal sectors suffered desolations; While others rode upon land mass mitigations; Rushing rainwater’s inundating irrigations; Courageously counter combating complications; Counting correct concurring calculations; Seeing how The Darks and The Lights litigations; Spread outwards in profuse proliferations.__


HOLISTORY HERITAGE HEALTH: Helps heal human bio-bodily beings. Toned + tanned terrestrial tissues. Disposing, dispelling, divesting one’s self of all these senseless sayings, being biologically “Black people” or physiologically “White people”; politically and religiously rendered. Purposely proposed, producing, posing problems!
Moreover, what was meant to be for financial free, flowing freedoms, is being brought into the criminalizing corrupting commercialized “Conscious Community”. Repackaging historical reports, righteously revealed by our original Mastermind Melanin Messiahs!
As I’ve heard, hear often enough, and completely comprehend, artistically apprehend, the necessitated need to make more money. A wanton-wish to generate gainful profits. Albeit, butt, better benefit blessings are brought into inner city urban neighborhoods, by being completely cultured cleansed capital cash currencies. CURED CULTURE!

Basically because, by binding books, containing collective communications, received - receipted rhetorical renditions, systemically - systematically serves to deprives the melaninated member majority; of the incoming information. And only a minute minority monopoly, tries to capitalize on it. Self-righteous few owing the refurbished historical factors. These trickster thieves, twists and turns the texts, into their story and glory!
Then, market their lectures, books, Cds and Dvds, to naïve gullible citizens. Those who don’t really_ KNOW _ who to trust anymore. No true transparency!

Thereby, leaving the overwhelming majority; ruled by the menacing minority. Once they learn the lying lessons from faulty financial fund foundations, expedient exploitation expertly exists. Equals = Evil enemy energy entities!

FORTUNATELY FINANCED FREEDOM: CK-NWCA, offers our optimized Occupyneers original organic objectives. Simply said so, putting, placing, posting collective communicates, formulates for financially free. Full fledge flowing freedom of artistic expression!

Why enslave - entrap - encapsulate EcoEnergystics, inside a closed cost, confinement concentration camp-compound? Why imprison and jail worthy valuables or values, by placing a price to true educational elements? Too expensive for the general society, stops solutions, salvations, solved situations. Starting the systemic systems of sluggish sludge. Slowing success!
Black beaver blockades, bow-guarding = bias bigoted bastardized bogus bitchcrafts.. Circulations are cut off, choked to death. Ugly usurping Ultimate Ultra-Universal Unification!

Hoarding historic happenings, held hostages by herding hardheads, as if it only belongs to assumed - alleged; “African Centered” consciousness. "Pan-Africanists" in many cases, have deceived themselves, into a capitalist ideology, conjured up concoctions, in hope of reap royal richness = $$$, while not be artistically authentically authorized, appointed, anointed Actionaries! Actually assigned by our ancient ancestry Alpha-Alkebulan Africa's Kush KemEgypt!
Yet all American citizens comprised Holistory’s Heritage Health. Coming to this constitutional continent, in crowds, clans, migrated members, in flocking family folds, foundational fathers and mothers. Literary leaderships, writing letters, learning lessons, taking notes, casting votes. Literally, many melaninated members Multiplex RAYZIAL realities.

Z-BLAC-KEYS QUESTIONS: Do history belong to original, Light People & Dark People? Or belong solely to; “White people” or “Black people”? What is “Black History”; vice versa, what is White History?
So then, it is wrong, wicked, ill-willed, to charge costs to citizens to hear, read, learn lessons from their true territorial, terrestrial testimonies. Told truths by numerous inventors, discoverers, creative artists, as artifacts reports, reveals rigtgly.
It’s artless formations fraudulently founded upon faulty findings, for financial fortunes and fame. Seein how that the talented artworks, were posted openly, obviously, ostensibly, visually seen. Inside caves, temples, pyramidal mounuments. Scultured in hardened clay, painted with earthly pigments. Priceless Pride + Picturesques Planet Phenomena = PANORAFRICASPORA!


SORROWFULLY: So that somebody can brag and boast about how much money they have made. The number of books they have read or written. How many successful sales, and how big their company profit margins were, by recycling collective copyrights, copycatting Intellectual Property, pricing it. When it actually belongs inside the PUBLIC DOMAIN!

Personalized Poem:
I Am AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD1; And I’m not a Moore nor Mason; But I am the SOLARSUN’S Son; Yes SUNGODD DEITY Number ONE; And I’m not “Black” but Brown under the shining sun.__ Religious politics injustice be-gone; These imposed impressions Wexz & Usxz need none._ And some psychologists need to see some psychiatrists; For being stereotyping Satanists; Stupid stooge sellout Sambo strategists; Attacking Africoidian authentically authorized artists; Attempting to enslave appointed anointed Arthiests; Ancient ancestral Africa’s Actionists.__


CRYSTAL CLEAR CONSEQUENCES: Certain communities can’t compete with those who are actualized antagonist adversaries, activated alien agents, of wild west WhitTie wicked whip witches; werewolves, warlocks, weird warmongers.
Computerized Counter-Combatant-Competitor = Concurrent Cosmic Color Complexions. Helloing-holding heroes history higher, holier, healthier, than ever before. No longer burying it below, beneath, beyond remembrance. Foolishly forgetting all about how it came into states of beings. Human enslavements, imprisonments, reminds We’s & Us’s how oppressors, depressor, repressors, are well and alive presently today. Attempting to wreak havoc upon humanity worldwide, nationally and internationally all around our Global-World-Nations!!!

SOULMATE Love1Sex2Romance3 = My Music Stream, URL Web page that has the whole list of songs, sound tracks, MP3, all 14 of my mastermind album and artwork:

For e
xcellent examples: There’re numerous darkish and light-ish citizens, who don’t consider themselves, as being Black or White!! Many melanin membrane members; know, that they are actually Brown - Red - Pink -Yellow, skinned HueMains.
YES: All Humans who holistically honor, happily homage the image of Americanized Africoidians, Afrindians, Africans in America and AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD Avatar Avender; is an ally, friend of our family folds. They that embrace Africa’s longstanding leading legacy, Love Life Light Locks = LORDS; is a courageous comrade, are worthy warriors of Love Peace & Harmony/


Others are offended by those categorizing coloration complexions, that are apparently diverse, into one stereotyped status; “all Black”! Inclusively storing historical documentation, inside “The Black Book Stores”. Signifying “Black Power”; “Black Liberation”; “Black Supremacy”, and “The Black Race”!


OK, fine and dandy, so be it; butt, believe my telling y’all that it can cause constant conflicts, combustible citizenries, corrosive - corrupt - cancerous - crooked, contaminated city communities. Expressly, due to the reality of elemental factors, such as; not or never, judging a person, individual, by the indwelling cosmic co-creator’s contextual contents of character. Having a clarified, clear conscience and clean cultured conscious. Central carbon core creation cradle chemistry. Courageous commission calling causes!
Which is in truth, our orgon-orgasmic, organisms original objectives, optimized options. Although, one can choose to be whosoever they want to and wish to be, butt, not necessarily biologically and being bodily. One entity, is exactly what and who it is, and the other party, is fraudulently founded upon lies of leading liars!


Photographic Poem:
I have created and invented True-Up U-Turn transitory terms; “The White man has religion but no spirituality.” semen sperms._ Boldly bravely because basic beliefs badly burns; These are the truthful lessons leadership learns; Elevated enhanced English excellence earns,_ Meaning my mastermind Mytholigions vs. Religions runs; Studying the solar star system’s sparking suns._
MAAT Africa Egypt+HARAMBEE-Kenya Interracial Dating+ Mix Mingle Mate Marry MultiplexRacialBody Current Cultural Color Complexions Bio-Genetic RNA-DNA-CODES!!!


Spiritiosity vs. Religiosity + Spiritics vs. Politcs!!

TEXTBOOK TERMINOLOGIES; Taught to teachers, in then taught to school students. MENTAL VIRONS = “Mind Viruses” as Psychogens. = Psychological pollution poisonings!
Sociopath Supremacy Superiority Superpower Sickness Syndromes; Slavers, Satanists, Serpents, Snakes, Scorpions sensibilities. Defining, designating “RACE”; biologically, bodily, based on bogus bigotries, bias beliefs.

Perpetrating people’s prejudices, perpetuating prejudgments, throughout the planetary populations. Tissue terrorizing terms, that turns humankind, mankind, womankind, against another one of our originating organisms. Which ever way you want to look at it all, black or white, brown or blue!!


NO NOT AT ALL: Just because some so said “Black man” or “Black woman” wrote a transcript and had it published inside a book, does not necessarily make the information correct. Just because the author is an African American scholar, researcher-reader of other author’s texts, don’t make his statements documented facts. Many beliefs are only religious rationalizations, political pestering pseudo-sciences. Hate-hypothesis, theories pushed publicly as being true. Yet having nothing scientific substantiating the alleged - assumed validity, thereof, therein. So y’all learn lessons never to trust the transparency of NOBODY x ANYBODY!!

No material matter if Dr. White or Dr. Black, believes in Dr. Green and distrusts Dr. Brown, they could all be incorrect, wrong and inaccurate. So then, just by one reading a book, does nothing to testify to the total told truths 100%+. Beware of prominent, popularized personalities, promoting perverted propaganda publicly!


Always, ask Z-Blac-Keyz Questions: Can you prove that he or she ever truly existed? What evidential proofs do you have that this theoretical virus and or deadly disease truly exists? Can you give clear concise proof, beyond any rational reasonable room to doubt, that the U.S. Government, created, concocted; conspired about this - that - or the other? Who’s selling literature, lectures? What persons are profiteering publications? What are their true agendas and hidden motives? Who is attempting to market major mainstream mass media madness = manufacturing manmade myths, making more money = $$$?
Predatory Profiteering Politicized Pundits, Pirates, Parasites, Poisonous Parasites, suck life’s blood out of the inner city urban areas. Hundreds of thousands of produced + published debates, arguments, fusing and fighting between “Black” brothers and soulless sisters!

Heated discussions, meant to be sold in the marketplace, supposedly to be teaching truths, educating ‘African American Blacks’! Health food freaks faker frauds. Those who’re the dominating dictators of demonocracy dietitians-dietary democracy! Threatening terror to those who refuse to eat foods and drink alkaline water, according to their teachings. Generating frightful fears, forcing fooled people, to willingly comply, do or die!
Many mindless morons, wear meaningless manners of garb, head rags, scarves, turbans, hats, caps, and Africanist attires. Faking and tomfoolery! Acting like spiritual leaders, spiritualism’s herbal health healers, and soul saviors. As they make money, yet putting nothing back inside these strategically stripped ghetto slums, and impoverished under-classed citizenries.


NATRIXZ = Natrixzation = NaTrixzational + NaTrixzist - NaTrixzan, NaTrixzanian = NaTrixzanity. These talented terms ar excelled English expressions, enhanced, elevated economy + ecology = EcoEnergystics!!

NUTRITRIXZ: = native nutrients, geographically + globally. Genesis genus, great genius gifts of global-geometric grace.

NATURAYZ: Namely SOLARSUN = Sunrays shining naturally, natively, nationally. Perhaps, possibly, planetary people’s populations, ate and eats energy entities, consumed cosmic creativities = customary culinary cooking cuisines. Completely controlled chemical combustion; by our one only optical orgasmic originating Solar Sexus Soul SUNGODD DEITY. (Sung-Odd)
We’s & Us’s were and are, small solarized sungodds. Sunshine societies, sanely said sublimely sensitized. Enabled energized entities, exercised, expertly executed existences!
HOLISTORY HEALTH HERITAGE: At some point in the ages of time, trillions of years ago, maybe my mastermind melanin messiah media, manifested material matter, making mankind. MASTER1 Musical Metaphysical Mediums.
Early EARTHORS, who ate atoms = atomic Actionaries of Atom-Amen-Ra = RAYZ. Expressly, EcoEnergystics eaten epidermal through the superficial skin. NatuRayz received readily by the pores and electromagnetic hairs. Amplified by water, wetness, fluids flowing, moisture!?

Howsoever, I’m talking strictly, specifically, about; before, prior to, HueMainKind, began to process produce positive progressions. And also, y’all know now that this is envisioned existences, via, The Inner-Visions of Internalized Intelligent Intellectual Immaculate Imagination!

NOBODY, Nutritionists, nor detritions, so called health food freaks, truly has accurate KNOWLEDGE, proving what we as planetary people actually ate. In the very beginning as ARTHIEST EARTHORS.

Pretentious, Petty Product Profiteers, push poisonous polluted politicized propaganda, so that they can capitalize on naïve, gullible citizens. Corrupt crooks, charlatans commercialized causes to rip - rob -rape yawls, of your hard earned incomes, cheat you out of capital cash currencies. This involves inclusively, draining the energies out of your bright brilliant brains!
Sciessence vs Pseudo-science: Although, what I do is admit openly, honestly that I simply just don’t truly Know, this - that or the other?! And it’s not an issue of belief, or believing, which is an artless formed religion. Fools fakeries!
Many times hypothesized, theorized thought thinking. Impossible or improbable, notions about prehistoric periods, yet acting as if they truly know what they are talking about. Fooling oneself, through faulty findings, false foundations. Basically based bogusly, on what I’ve named to be: MYTHOLIGION!
Albeit, better beneficially bestowed blessed biological bodily balanced beings; in the beginning, Grandly great gifted genesis genius, adjusted, shifted sensibilites, Causing creative evolutions + revolutionary creations. Family food foundations, that gave divine decreed digestion, assimilation of vital-nutrient-nourishments. Transitioning to terrestrial - territorial tissues! SOLAR SEXUS SOULFOOD DIVINE!

HueMainity, adopted, adapted, to eating a diverse diet, consisting of animal flesh, meats, vegetation - vegetables, fresh fruits, berries, seeds, nuts, grains. Primarily, eaten ofF of Mother Nature Earth's VergePlanTerRain.  Realistic rational reasoning room = realized righteous RAYZ!

Therefore COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts, conscientiously competitively counter-combats capitalistic corruptions , criminal counterfeits. Constantly correcting, corralling, capturing, caging, these terrorist thugs! Guilty gambling grownup ghettoized garbage gutter gangsters!
Misleading melaninated members, Africans in America, and Americanized Africoidians, herein, The divided dis-United States "snakes" of angry Anglo-America Al Qaeda! I'm talking about antagonist, adversarisl, alien agents; as asinine ass Negroes, Uncle Toms, Sellout Sambos, Selfhaters!
Certainly clinical cancer cases, truthfully tell We’s & Us’s, real research reports. Strictly stating how that a larger number of patients, tried these untested herbal healers, plant potions pushed by profiteers. They’ve even gone off into Mexico via The USA, and ran over to Cuba and else where, with high hopes of curing their terminal cancers, dis-eases. Butt, they basically all died!

Many tried eating all raw vegetables = uncooked vegetation, stopped or didn’t eat dairy, drink cows/calves milk. Nor ate animal flesh, red meat, this - that - or the other, religious Vegan & Vegetation diets. Still ending emery exhausted and dead!

Other resorted to chemotherapy, radical radiation regimes, terrorizing their tender tissues to destruction and death. Albeit better beneficially born blessed, by being biologically bodily balanced!!

A combination of traditional medical treatments + multivitamins and mineral supplements. Preferably homegrown green garden plants, colorful crops combined. Plus+ positive thinking, believing, and knowing that Mother Earth Nature heals human holistically = HueMain Holistory Health Heritage!
YES: YAWLS: Stake your claims consummately now. Proclaim courageously on your authentic Africaness. State your Africoidian ancient Ancestry and anointed Artistry, immediately, at once today!

STRONG SURVIVAL: is the final financial fitness clean cultured capital cash calling cause of today. Love Goddess Mother Africa Earth Nature, has Her healthy human history = holistic harvest. Withstanding, wholesome wealthy womanhood’s witty wisdom, worthy of worshipping. Her VegePlanTerRain’s Ripe Rare Rich Royalties, Reaping Resources! or

YES; Y'ALL Help Holistory Heritage, Happily Help Heal Humanity.
DONORS diberately do indeed, at your own free financial will, Divinely Decreed Descretion, deserved dollars and compassionate, caring capital cash common cents 100%+. Thanks very kindly from the kindhearted kinky KING.


Donations details: Receive huge file jpeg via E-mail message, legitimately = lawfully your receipt reward. Thanks for financially conributing to truly saving solar sexus souls of human beings upon planetary sphere earth. We’re all involved!
Dr. Leonard Jeffries Interview on Like It Is with Gil Noble

Dr Claud Anderson Black Labor White Wealth Full Video
Dr Runoko Rashidi Egypt & The Moors 
SOULMATE Love1Sex2Romance3 = My Music Stream, URL Web page that has the whole list of songs, sound tracks, MP3, all 14 of my mastermind album and artwork:
YES: “The mother of a teenage boy fatally shot by New York police called on Thursday for an end to violence and the rising tensions that have erupted between police and angry residents and resulted in dozens of arrests. Kimani Gray, 16, was shot by two police officers late on Saturday in Brooklyn's East Flatbush neighborhood after police said he pointed a handgun at them. His family disputes that account, saying it was unlikely he was carrying a weapon. Police said a gun was found at the scene. Document Holistory News Report today: Friday, March 15, 2013...8:46am, San Antonio, Texas time.”
URL: Web URL: 

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