Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Holistory Heritage Health Hotep + Heroes Help Heal Hue-Mainity + Happy Hue-more Mastermind Melanin Messiah Mental Model Mandates! HueMainKind+Right+Law pt1

MOTHER EARTH: = Planetary Sphere. SHE bared - birth biological bodily beings, baby born bloodlines, better beneficially bestowed blessed birthright. 
EARTHORS - EARTHORIANS - EARTHOID-IANS: = each existing entity and everybody's Ethnicity. 
SAPIENSOULS: Sapiens Species, Science Specimens; and Sovereign Solar Sexus Souls
Hue-Mainoid-ians, humanoids, humans, humanity, humankind. Inclusively, Hue-Mains, Hue-Main-Kind, Hue-Mainity and Hue-Main-Rayz(s) vs "Race". 
The Center Carbon Core Creation Cradle; complete consolidations, came and comes to be named in a geographic location of man made maps, as Africa. Adding an advancing ascension as; All Alpha-Alkebulan-AfricAspora +  AmericAfricAspora and AmericAfricAsiAspora!!!!
View very closely the contours and outlines of the portrait presentation of panorama pyramidal phenomena. Producing a perfectly planned planet and portraying PanorAfricAspora. Prehistorical Powerful Phantom-Phatom Physics-1! 
I've intuitively invented, instinctively innovated, intelligently imagined and envisioned: how HER Holistory Heritage, had healthy humans.

Primary Planet Poem:
Love Goddess Mother Nature Earth; She’s the planetary sphere giving Wexz & Usxz baby born birth; Our originating organic oceanic sea salt sand surf; True terrestrial talented territorial turf.__
"The Migrid"? Is what Wexz & Usxz, crisscrossed certain continents, in which, at the time were small streams, rushing rivers, wide waterways. Melaninated majority members = Migridians - Mooridians - Moorindians and also as, Amoorindians. Indigigenous Inhabitants (Indians = indi-viduals, indi- ans, indi-visible) As one planetary people.
Howsoever, y'all simply just look up above at an acclimated accumulated, amalgamated and aggregated artwork. An atomic and atmospheric anatomy and autonomy.
Global-World-Nations: gathered together back into one organic organism, optical object, orbiting operations and organizations. 
Speak specifically and stating strictly for myself, I crossed over various VegePlanTerRain, during prehistory. Terrestrial transitional timetables, traveling through territories, tough terrains. Meaning mountains and steep hills, valleys and over rolling planes - plains + plateaus, and planetary plates.


NO; absolutely not: We's & Us's do not need "Black Liberation" liabilities, in order to be set fully financially freed from failures. Our humanity-humankind is at stakes, not our 'blackness'. Actually Afro-African Americans are beauteous BROWN skinned societies, who's black? who's white? Who's a "Race"? = Absolutely Nobody!

Speaking specifically-strictly so solemnly said, I am an Aboriginal Africoidian ancendant!
Not a "descendant" of anybody ancient and ancestral. Regardless of names and nationalities, countries and customs, I AM THAT I AM AMOORINDIAN! Avatar Avenger AmericAfrindian ArtistCHD1.
Ancient Ascendancy: An actualized antiquity, authentically authorized, appointed ancestry and anointed artistry.
"Most of us certainly feel the pain of the conquest intent, and most of us say we wish to do something about it, to be in the struggle for change.  However, continuing to call each other "Black People", and to fight for rights for "Black" people is really a hypocrisy, and gets us no closer to resolution.  BLACK PEOPLE HAVE NO RIGHTS! because it identifies one as being outside of the human family.  All trust is placed upon one's foremothers and forefathers." http://rvbeypublications.com/id96.html
Wealthy womanhood’s witty wisdom worthy worship; Seafaring Solar Sexus Soul sailing ship; Wrathful weather with wild winds whirling whip; Love Life Light Locks lip; Divinely decreed deliberated deep deified dip; Some sane sound sensible savory sip; Her healthy Holistory heritage high heavenly hip._
YES YAWS: HUEMAIN HOLISTORY: Human Heritage Health + HEALING: PREHISTORY Planetary People's Presence. Prehistoric population. Butt baby born bio-bodily beings, blessed birthright  better beware: "Black History" Myth = Mythology - Mytholigion = Historical Human Hatred, Hideous Hostiles Hades Hell  = History = His-Story vs Our-Story!!
Afro-African American and Alboriginal Africoidians Ancient Ancestry...America & Africa. 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9_ ArtistCHD1*2016 http://holistory-heritage.blogspot.com/
http://human1life2matters3.blogspot.com/  +  http://humanity-humankind.blogspot.com/
AMERICAUCASIANS + AFRICAUCASIANS: Aboriginal Africoidians - Albinoriginals!! Amalgamated and Aggregated Admixtures. All Americans and Africans acclimated - accumulated artistic attributes and actualized affluence. 
Americanations & Africanations; as an all and in all association and attached affiliation!
We's & Us's; are a perplexing people, persons plus+ Per-Suns = sovereign solar sexus souls, via SOLARSUN System. And of our originating organisms, cosmic-creative-chemistry-concurring circuitry, culminating cosmetic coloration complexions.
 http://black1chemist2carbon3.blogspot.com/ + http://spirit1source2-science3.blogspot.com/
YES YAWLS: this is what that consolidated concept comprises: An American + an African + an Asian = Cauc-Asians. 
Meaning that the commonly called Caucasoid-ian is of or out of the cold climate Caucasus cages, mountainous territorial terrestrial terrains. Charactistically Caucasians seems to like climbing up mountains, steep hills and cliffs. 
They eventually exited early Eurasia and came back into their originating first family fold of Humanoid-ians. As Aboriginal Africoidians and Albinoriginals. 
The Nationalized Negroid-ians and in Latin language-Spanish-Portugese, perceptibly "black" means the very same; cosmic color and adjective, as opposed to being a name-noun.
The Mutated Mongoloid-ians are also admixtures. Haplo-hybrid humans of a high yellow superficial surface skin. 
The perceptibly pink pigmented planetary people +plus, everybody else's Ethnicity, (not "race"), is a scientific study and biological bodily being baby born basic blended brown
Thus therefore, the deep-depth-darkest; tissue tones, integrated - intermixed with the lightest tissue tints, producing photon positive proofed, tans. The Lights and the Darks!
There are no living humans upon planet Mother Nature Earth, the adjective color black, nor white. All bio-bodily beings have universal-parallels, manifested materialized matter makeups, expressly, red blood, bone-white + flesh-fat, clear water. And one's artificial appearing pigmentation only encompasses the superficial skin surface!
Now next Note vs Vote: All of those living herein the USA, calling themselves "black" African "descendants"; don't really recognize their own originating diversity. Cultural complexity, and perceptible perplexity.
So some of Wexz & Usxz, wonder all around looking like a little this - that or the other. Everybody else's existing Ethnicity. Never knowing that they; are us and we, are them.
Phrenology, the shapes of persons heads - lips - eyes - nose - ears, etc. Are all amalgamated as admixtures, attributing to their artificial appearances. OK y'all?
Afrocentric activists always alleges, assumes and accuses the Caucasian males/men, of robbing, raping African-ian females/women. And they think that this is why we're light and dark skinned societies. Butt, that's not totally true!
Therefore, through their own words, acknowledgements and acceptances, then likewise, are Americans and Africans as; AmeriCaucasians + AfriCaucasians!!
I Am Avatar Avenger AmericAfrindian ArtistCHD1. All that is and was and will ever be, period.
Nevertheless, howsoever, here comes the commonly called "conscious community"; a conference collection of citizens of color: in theory-thought, Nationalized "Negroes" - N...words + "Colored People"; participating in a bio-body black-a-fa-cation
Top tier thinkers, studied scholars, historians, anthropologists n - archaeologists, educators - lecturers, narrators-commentator - moderators and professors. Doctorate degrees, celebrated college certificates, acquired at various universities of higher learning; presumptuously!
Wantonly wishing we would pay them to tell us how "black" we are. A penny price that none of us can really afford, fleeced financially = $$$ Reality?!


Humanity = Humankind!!
ADVERSITIES ACTIVATED: As A Direct And Indirect And Approximated Results: irrational religious rationales vs Raligious rational reasoning. 
OK, yes yawls, listen up and pay close attention: Learn leadership lessons, on how to live life in Love Peace & Harmony, humanly, humanely, as holistic Humanoid-ians, happy - healed - healthy humans of humankind. 
First and foremost, We's & Us's aren't adjectives, adverse aberrations and affectations and afflictions. Africans as Americans, and Aboriginal Africoidians, are absolutely against, attaching adjectives to Nationalized Native Nouns; namely negative Negroes and N....words!
Concocted Christian Color Coded Criminalizing Curses, counter-combating clean cultural causes, corresponding cures!
Now next know these total told truths 100%+ positive proofed - proved proposition. There has historically never been biological bodily beings baby born "blacks". In fact that's a Sociopath Sex Slavers, bogus belief based bigotry, bad bastardized black-bitchcraft!
Likewise, westernized world wizardry, wedged with whitewashed wicked witchcraft. Simply so said, there isn't in Ethnicity's existence, physical presence, anywhere and or anybody baby birthed being bodily; "whites"!!
Furthermore, I don't care who they are, trying to tell y'all differently, thus terming themselves the; "black race" and "white race"; they are fraud in fact leading liars of longstanding lost losers lies!
'Come Follow Me': closely, populations of planetary people, private persons, were purposely programmed. That they're adjectives instead of nouns and pronouns, 2 parts of speech of about 8-9. Elementary teachings, fundamental foundation for (basic) building blocks of better beneficially bestowed blessings; and the best beliefs.
Yawls can no longer say you've not been told: Once learned as a lesson for forthright leaderships; one should now know the distinguishing differences between Crayola Colors - Crayons, and real live humans. 
BUTT BEWARE: Some of us are simply stubbornly stuck on staying stupid, idiots and innate ignoramuses. So be it! 
Howsoever, we're no longer living back in the old obsolete bygone days of the 17th - 18th - 19th and 20th centuries. When/where these terrorist thugs, terrestrial transgressors, taught their entrapped and enslaved Ethnicity, that they were less than holistic humans. Commonly called chattels = cattle!
Unfortunately, the termed; 'Post Traumatic Slave Syndromes or Sickness - PTSS'; persist to plague the psychology of these programmed people. Purposely playing prejudicial party politics!
Transitional Timetables 2016: strictly and specifically states, that those termed, thus terming themselves the; "black people" and the "white people"; "white Americans" and "black Americans"; are antagonist adversaries and aliens agencies, acting against actuality!
Compelling Consequences - Circumstances: "Open Genocide"; human hostility hate-homicides, self sacrificing suicides; prescription pill poisoning PHARMACIDE. Are also prescribed penalties + punishments; and proscriptions for pretentious personages.
In short so simply said: l've listened in on others offensive online, alleged and assumed "Alternative Media"; for approx. about 16 years to date: expressly, "black media"; "black talkers" "black liberation radio"; etc., etc. etc. Fine and dandy, I took notes vs votes!
Howsoever, I Spiritually sensed something seriously sinister and satanic, when studying what the wanna-be-black leaders were bragging, boasting, bullying and bluffing 'bout being "blacks". Arrogant and ambitious and aggressive!
I looked into the etymology of these tong twisted terminology, and origins and connotations and annotations. I did my homework, in which, is my Authentically Authorized Appointed And Anointed Artworks!
DIVINE DECREED DISCOVERY: Inhumanity and insanity, vs humanity and sanity. Wexz & Usxz, are absolutely not Negroes - Blacks & Coloreds!!!
In brief: there are adverse atmospheric and atomic activities accumulating around all Americans; Afro-Anglo-America. And what I keep on hearing the online blackened broadcasters and whitewashing wizards, proclaim publicly, are that "the globalists"; capitalists - colonialists captors of corrupted corporations are criminals. And they're truthful testimonies too!
Nevertheless, that their nationalized narratives, narrow negative mindsets and shortsighted perspectives + perceptions perplexes + plagues them tremendously. Basically because, there are activated atoms affecting the above and all around atmospheres and airs. {ATUM-ATOM-AMEN ANKH}
What the radio talk show hosts and invited guests, spokespersons, see coming down the pike, is real and actual. Not a mental mirage, man made manufactured Maze-Matrix. 
MOTHER MAATRIXHer Earthly Body, is getting/gittin' good riddance, of each and every Ethnicity, who wantonly wish they were adverse adjectives instead of nouns and pronouns and Nationalized names. She no longer tolerates territorial tyrants - thugs - terrorists, terrestrial transgressors!
So then I intelligently inform y'all, that it is no mere coincidence nor accident or happenstance, that all Americans, regardless of what superficial surface skin shades, sunshine sheen, lives are in jeopardy!
In spite, of their cosmetic coloration complexions, light or dark tissue tones - tans - tints. They're being blockaded, bombarded - blatantly blasted by bad beliefs, and bogus blacklisted broadcasts!
My Master Mind Melanin Messiah's militarized mission, is simply to only open the closed and locked doors to approx. amounting about: 10% to 12%. Righteously redeemed, delivered and Saved Sovereign Solar Sexus Souls = BLACKSOULS & REDSPIRITS!!! { red blooded bio-bodily beings} http://black1chemist2carbon3.blogspot.com/
Another approx. about 88% to 90%: can choose to religiously believe in bogus bull baloney. There's no hope for them terming themselves the "black folks" and "white folks". We're now in the Computerized Cyberspace-age 21st century of the year twenty-sixteen. No sorry excuses and pitiful alibis, for intentional ignorance - idiocy!
WHY'S: Are what I've happily given to yawls for financial free. no capital cash currency charge or cost to this ; imperatively important information! ( Rendered Revelation)
Constitutional Continental Country, containing collective citizenry, are actively being caged and corralled and completely controlled. Due to being two-legged upright walking contagious cancer cells; corrosive contaminants, color coded criminalized curses; citywide - countywide - countrywide, crisscross-continents!
Purposely planned prison plantation: 'a cage for every hateful and deceitful bird'; blackened body and bleached being. Wanna-be whites and wanna-be-blacks and wana-be-browns. {VIRONS: violent vicious viruses and destructive deadly diseases!}
One can arm themselves with all of their peashooters, and slingshots, petty pellet-handguns, and repeat riffles, all they wantonly wish. Basically because, they're no military match for fearless fighting forces, forest fires, ferocious flames, flash floods, freezes. And complainers crying can baby blame and point the evil finger at the United States Presidential Oval Office & Executive Officer. Congress, Supreme Court, The Senate, or overall House of Representatives - Legislative-Judicial Branches of Government. Thus to no avail!
WHY?!: Ethereal Esoteric Extraterrestrials; Excited energies, executing entities existing everywhere - exercising everyplace, encompassing every element, enveloping everybody. Exhibiting essential essences, exhaling emissions, elevating ecology, enhancing economy, = excelling ECOENERGYSTICS-1!
Thank y'all very kindly from the kindhearted kinky KING of COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts and Avatar Avenger AmericAfrindian ArtistCHD1. 

http://artistchd1.blogspot.com/  +  http://colorkingdom1nwca2.blogspot.com/

THE STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS: "Ya know, just over a decade ago, I gave a speech in Boston where I said there were no liberal America or conservative America; Black America or White America; but a United States of America!!!" Professed U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama, on Tuesday, January 20, 2015... 8:00 pm CST. San Antonio, Texas. 
"I say this because I've seen it in my own life, In a nation that gave someone like me a chance. Because I grew up in Hawaii a melting pots of races and customs. Because I made Illinois my home. A State of small towns, rich farmland, one of the world's great cities, a microcosm of the country, where democrats, republicans, and independents. Good people, of every ethnicity and every faith. Sharing bedrock values."

 Our children, I want them to know... that every child in every community that their lives matters.' As opposed to the thoughtless twisted terminology: "Black Lives Matters!"

Obama says; "I know because I won both of-um." Two elections is what he means, in response to a disrespectful Right Wing Republican "racist" reactionary. Sitting out in the listening audience making wiseacre criminal Cracker CauCrazian comments!
"I'm half black and I'm half white"; "mutts like me"; he proclaimed publicly back in about 2008-2009, during his election campaign. Brown skinned human; Humorously happy!
“It is amazing what you can bounce back from when you have to. We are a strong, tight-knit family who has made it through some very, very hard times.” My fellow Americans, we too are a strong, tight-knit family. We, too, have made it through some hard times. Fifteen years into this new century, we have picked ourselves up, dusted ourselves off and begun again the work of remaking America. We have laid a new foundation. A brighter future is ours to write. Let’s begin this new chapter together, and let’s start the work right now. Thank you. God bless you. (APPLAUSE) God bless this country we love. Thank you."
Solar Sungodd Deity1 | Photos and Images | Digital Art
Solar Sungodd Deity1
COLOR KINGDOM NWCA: Is indubitably, a cosmic creative conscious controller; Courageous Commander Chief of compassionate comforts, clean cultured, compass capital cash currencies. Collective career commission calling cause, complete corrective clinical cure!
CIVICENTRAL: Civic Central Communication Channels Commands
Collective Citizenry Controls; Co-created community consciousness, circulating invaluable information. Coming from a centric-circle of clean cultured comrades. 
Categorically classified Caucasian Caucasoid-ian citizens, doing away with "white" ; "white people" and "black people", "black Americans and white Americans; adversely attached adjectives as affectations and aberrations. This is a civic cure to color coded curses, constantly criminalizing Citizen of Cosmetic Coloration Complexions, specifically and strictly superficial surface skin shades, sunshine sheen.
How so ever, if and or when a "nonwhite" Citizen of Color of America's and Africa's ascendant ancestry, decides, consciously chooses, to call themselves; "blacks", or "Niggas"; "Niggers"; Negroes - Negroidians, then that's their terminology. Butt, it shall never justify those terming themselves,  "Whites" in using this longstanding language, of hate-history!
We's & Us's wantonly wish to call our own-selves is one thing, and what westernized world WhitTie whip Cracker Caucrazian Caucasoidian citizens commonly call themselves is another thing. And it do not necessarily need to mean much of anything, when they hire as employees, commonly called "coons"; Coloreds to concede-comply cowardly; to "The Black Codes" criminalizing color-coded curses!
The Sociopath Slavers, Caucasian Captors, coined these tong twisted terms, and stamped his stereotyping stigmas; upon entrapped and enslaved Aboriginal Africoidians, and Afro-African Americans!
Therefore, Americanized Europeans, are restricted and rightly restrained from referring to melaninated minority-majority members as "black people"; "Black Americans". Objectionably - obscenely - offensively out of our originating Native Natural Names = NATINDIANS, Amerindians - Afrindians - Am-e-ri-cans, Afrasians - Africarabians, and as I am Avatar Avenger AmericAfrindian ArtistCHD1
Know now y'all, that an African and American, are holistic humans, biological bodily beings. Originally of countries contained inside continents. Therefore, truthfully, it is legitimate to identify one's nationality and or name, Afro-African American, ancient Angelic Ancient Ancestors all accept and acknowledge; or any other variant of these true English expression!
Excellent examples: European Americans, Asian Americans, African Americans; Russian Americans; inclusively, Arab Americans, Mexican Americans, Irish Americans, Spanish Americans, Latin Americans, Moorish Americans, Indian Americans, Native Americans, Chinese Americans, Japanese Americans, Italian Americans, French Americans, German Americans, on and on according to what one wants and wishes to identify themselves!
Originat-Org-One_color 1500Originat-Org-One_color neg image 1500
Our Optimized ORIGNAT-ORG-ONE-1: COMPASS Clean Cultured Capital Cash Currency. Intellectual Intelligent Investment Interests; intentionally internalized. Your better bestowed beneficiary; the best bounteous blessed bank!
....CK-NWCA is gainfully gallantly growingSolar Sexus Soul souring, Sacred success seeds sowing; I'm adding more money making methods mowing; Plus+ profitability products prolifically pouring; Insured income imploring; Never the customer clients ignoring; Nor bad beliefs of bias bigots broadcast boring.__Butt a better bargain with wealthier benefits blowing, Forthcoming financial funds faithfully flowing.__
The USA don't have ten years to procrastinate; This is the time to tell the total truth 100%+ today's date; It is financially far too late; Fully feasible for fools fatal fate; Throwing up the faulty funded foods that they always ate; And now requires a short-termed trait; And no bad banking bogus bargain bait; The "racist" reasons rationalized ratio-rate; Deceptive devils and demons debate; Holding healthy human hostages inside Hades hell hole hate; While western world wizards never wait; To stockpile profits upon their politicized platter-plate.__
"America is growing at about 2% to 3% per annum now." Bad investments; however, Aryan-Anglo-America's private prisons and jails are growing much faster. And Americans are unwisely investing into the entrapment and enslavement of other Ethnicity!
"But even though the American economy is only growing 2%, there are some parts of our economy that re really growing fast. So obviously you want to be attracted to them too." ((Chuck Swab)
YES: Y'all now know how that these traitorous treasonous treacherous tricksters, thug tyrants, tycoons, tells truths intertwined with untruths. Never revealing what they truly know is going on and currently happening. The USA, Supremacy Superiority Sociopath Slavers ship is surely sinking, and therefore, desperation and destitution develops, as the U.S. Dollars devolves and demonically dies!
"RACISM" & TERRORISM: The United States of America's Prison Complex industry investment interests. In gross violations of International Laws and human rights. Inclusively, obstructing justice nationally. Attempting to stop; JESUSTICE1 Justice Judgment!!http://jesustice1.blogspot.com 

Therefore consequently coming, compelling circumstances. Thus the overall in general and aggregate American economy, as a mandated must, be forced to fatally fail and financially finally fall. "Babylon The Great, is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."
A militarized police state, of citizenry containment controls, basically because, they failed foolishly to control themselves. FEMA camps, compounds, corals, correctional centers, continental cages, Crooked city-county cops catching corrupt citizens; commonly called criminals. Yet they themselves are criminal Captors, CauCrazians criminalizing captives!
Predatory Policymakers and Lawmakers; imposing penalties upon the public people's planetary populations. To pay for the trillions of US dollar debts, that they themselves co-created. By radically raising the cost of living, to extremely excessive expenses!
Now that they have divided Americans; into a; "black and white" separation, societal segregation. The predatory politicians + pirate-profiteers, can practice their parasitic policies, producing private prisons!

Vicious Viral Violence Vengeance Violation!!!
An Attack & Assault Against All Americans. 
Crime Committed causing citizens harm-hurt; 
thus terrorizing-traumatizing Humanity-Humankind!!!
Righteously revealed + reported by Avatar Avenger AmericAfrindian ArtistCHD1 = JUDGMENT JUSTICE = JESUSTICE1 + COLOR KINGDOM NWCA.

"California police violence: Footage shows officers beating suspect; 10 deputies placed on leave"  Ten sheriff's deputies involved in the violent arrest of a suspect on horseback in California have been put on leave after being caught on video kicking and beating the man repeatedly, officials say.San Bernardino County sheriff John McMahon said he was "disturbed" by footage of the arrest of Francis Jared Pusok, 30, a white male with a lengthy criminal record." "Video taken by a television news crew showed him being kicked 13 times, punched 37 times and struck four times with batons, according to local media reports." http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-04-11/california-police-caught-beating-horseman-put-on-leave/6386140


"Ten California deputies put on leave after they are caught on camera beating man

Officers were seen beating a suspect, who had allegedly stolen a horse, for more than a minute after he was hit by a Taser and apparently surrendered" http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/11529475/Ten-California-deputies-put-on-leave-after-they-are-caught-on-camera-beating-man.html


"Police waited until 45 minutes after the beating to take a man suspected of stealing a horse to the hospital."http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/california-cops-caught-brutally-beating-man-camera-after-bizarre-horse-chase _ April 10.2015.

"FBI probing possible civil right violations in California videotaped beating By Ralph Ellis and Michael Pearson, CNN Updated 8:01 AM ET, Sat April 11, 2015" http://www.cnn.com/2015/04/10/us/california-san-bernardino-police-beating/

YES: "A WIDESPREAD PRACTICE & FLAGRANT PATTERN"; A Prejudicial Politicized Police Practice; Predatory Paved Patterned Pathways, purposely producing personalized psychological problems. Providing proliferating - profuse psychotic + psychopathic personalities. Particularly petty pearly pale pink pigmented Patty Patrol Police!
Flagrantly fraudulent findings, forthcoming from failing frameworks, fundamentally flawed first faker 'founding fathers' faulty foundation. Caucasoid-ian Caucasians criminalized and corrupted CONSTITUTION. Converted into a dictators 'demonocracy' DEMOCRACY!!

 Constantly causing combustible civic conflicts, corrosive cellular cancers, clinical confusions, conscientious chaos, citywide - countywide - countrywide, cross-continental corporate corruptions. Culminating catastrophic collisions, civilization clashes, calamitous conclusions; causing climatic charged changes, circulating concurrent CURSES! 
Each and every single one of the criminally convicted Citizens of Color of America's and Africa's ascendancy - ancestry are to be released; rights restored. All falsified - fabricated felony forced confessions of guilt, coercive plea-bargain agreements and "No Contest" statements reversed - revisited. They are all unconstitutional!
All nonviolent, victim-less violations, assumed and alleged illegal or unlawful drugs - dopes, in "Possession of a Controlled Substance"; concocted crack cocaine criminal charges, dropped!
As a mandated must, by all means need be, force the State & Federal US Government, to Stop-Point-Blank-Period, predatory politicized profiteered private prison plantations!
Article VI:
All debts contracted and engagements entered into before the adoptionof this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.

"This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution orlaws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding..
The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of theseveral state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States."

Continentality: before Nationality: concurrent constitutionality and constitutional. 
Created concepts: continental and national; continent and nation. Constitutionalism - Continentalism. Constructive creations - conversions - contractions = courageously colorful constructions. 
And Africa is considered continental, a continent of collective countries or namely nations = nationhood. Therefore also likewise exists,  coinciding conceptual continent-hood.  
Afro-African American, thus truly then; constitutes Continentality. Correctly called Continentalities!!!
 Consisting of continents; and attaches Africa and America. Attractive affluence and actual attributes as aggregated - amalgamated affirmations. 
African American, is not false, nor any falsified - fictitious - fraudulent founded fact. Modern maps makes these truths told thoroughly, 100%+ positive proofed-proved!
Howsoever, any questions remaining about what specific nation We's & Us's were originally from, remains mysteries. Millions more melaninated majority members migrated mixed - mingled - mated - married, millennial, many mutated!
Those localized African areas, countries changed national names. Creatively evolves, expands exponentially. Having no blocking borders to stop societies from crossing, traveling terrestrially thus territorial transitory. Across All Alpha-Alkebulan-Africa = Africaspora and AmericAfricAspora!
BUTT BEWARE: There are no legitimate, scientific tests to tall anyone where they originated, as it pertains to Mitochondrial RNA & DNA CODES. Those testers are proven; liars telling leading lies. Making money, multimillionaires off of our own stupidity, some of We's & Us's at least are acting ignorant as idiotic ignoramuses. Too trusting, thus fatally falls for frauds, fakers, for financial fame and fortunes = $$$. Forthright foolish faith following fools of foolery!
"as we grew wiser, we started calling ourselves Africans, but we act like we dont know what African Nations we came from, so we took on false national titles like African-American, which is not a nationality, and they know this. "Africa" is not a nation, the root of the word "nationality", from "natio", from "nasci", which means to be "born" to. your nationality tells you what fathers and mothers you have been born to, like your last name, imagine meeting someone who did not know their own last name, and made up a fake one, they might be satisfied with that, but it still fake, and fake has no legal rights that have to be recognized by anyone in the world."
TRUE, "false national titles like African-American, which is not a nationality". And also TRUE, it was never meant to be a nationality. The United States of America, nationalized everybody, who were considered citizens!
I always rationally reasons with realities; not religiosity's ridiculous rationales.
Although, Negroes - Coloreds - Blacks; historically has no continental connectivity, nor nationality. A total disconnection, defection and deliberately devised dysfunction!
Americanized Africans and Africanized Americans; yet do indeed connects collectively - continental = CONSTITUTIONALITY & CONTINENTALITY!!
Prefixes and suffixes are sets of letters that are added to the beginning or end of another word. They are not words in their own right and cannot stand on their own in a sentence: if they are printed on their own they have a hyphen before or after them.


Prefixes are added to the beginning of an existing word in order to create a new word with a different meaning. For example:
wordprefixnew word


Suffixes are added to the end of an existing word. For example:

Vicious Viral Violence Vengeance Violation!!!
An Attack & Assault Against All Americans.
Crime Committed causing citizens harm-hurt;
thus terrorizing-traumatizing Humanity-Humankind!!!
Righteously revealed + reported by Avatar Avenger AmericAfrindian ArtistCHD1 = JUDGMENT JUSTICE = JESUSTICE1 + COLOR KINGDOM NWCA.
Sympathizers supporting: "Al Qaeda Operatives" and "Boko Haram: Africa's Homegrown Terror Network". Advocating adversely; "kill whitey"; "kill cops", to our impressionable teenage youths. Teach them these terrorist tactical thoughts, treasonous thug thinking. Under the deceptive disguises of "Black Unity"; "Black Liberation Army"; "Black Power"; "Black Muslims"- Mohammedan militant mad men!
YES: There is no letting up on the persistent protesters. Those American citizens; of each-every Ethnicity, who are sick and tired and fed up with the entire evil Eu-Rope-an empire. They intend to stop the Slavers  Satanic Sociopath System and sink it successfully. Seeing it submerged!

The demonstrators are marching on Washington, DC, Capitol Hill. Demanding that the Oval Office of the United States President Barack Hussein Obama, force the prejudice Patty police and crazy CauCrazian criminal cops, from further violating the Human Rights and Civil Rights of Aboriginal Africoidians, Afro-African-Americans, Afrindians, Amerindians - Afrasians and as; I am Avatar Avenger AmericAfrindian ArtistCHD1.
Nevertheless, there're those thinking that this is going to simply just blow over, and die out sooner or later. Butt, this is it, and the happy Honky dory go lucky lackluster leaders, are actually lost losers. Not realizing that today, a compelling cosmic creative chemistry and conscientious circuitry of circumstances and concurrent civic conditions, are consummately cognizant, commanding complete climatic charged changes!!!
The Boastful Banking Bully Boys & Big Brother's bottom-baseline, is being bankrupt broken back down to the; national nitty gritty grassroots grounds of gangrene grotesque growths!
TRULY: The biggest business will not be as usual; butt, unusual. Certain citizens blatantly blocked off from reaching their jobs, employment enterprises. They aren't able to even enter the building being burned, bombarded by renegade rouge revolutionary rebels. They're trying to strangle and choke the barbaric behaving beast, they same way that it did them; as helpless and defenseless Africans in America! ('This is not a white and black problem!') This all about how humans are being held hostages, inside Hades hell holes of hideously hostile hatred of holistically healthy humanoids: http://humanity-humankind.blogspot.com
Next notes…

YES: Early EARTHORS of planetary sphere EARTH; evolves everyone’s existence, exploration. Through the terrestrial travelers, territorial tissue tones - tans - tints, transformed, thus then transfigured. This True-Up U-Turn tell the total truth 100%+. OK YAWLS?

Now simply so said, let We’s & Us’s, start off from the Upper Southern geographical land locations; down into the Lower Northern areas as All Alpha-Alkebulan-Africa.
The helps explain why I solemnly say that I am called - chosen and sent; Basically because by bio-bodily being better bestowed blessed bent; On carry on and out my artistic assignment; Intelligently innovate - intent to invent; Yet some jealous and envious false brothers and sisters resent; My courageous confident; And not one dollar dent; Have they  supportive spent; Nor a single cent; So therefore they're in any event; Loosing all that they thought they had and here's the hint; It is in their best interest to try the talented tent; And cease their opposition and offensive present; Prejudicial perspectives pressure personal problems pent; Up in "racism" that refuse to relent; And make the decision to really repent.__
Although complete strangers seem to be the serious supporters; With their open-minds thinking these thoughts thoroughly through. Without bias for or against anything I've said and written. And by the time the false family members, fake friends; or whosoever, they might be, find out CK-NWCA's Supreme Superior Success; it shall surly be all too late. The Divine Decreed doors will close in their selfish self-serving; blackface bastardized bitchcraft and whitface wicked witchcraft! 
Nothing I am doing is totally dependent on outside recourses; Mainly my own merits mastered - managed resources; Computer technology online cosmic chemistry's courses._ Surely some self-sufficiency sources._ 
Internalized "Infinite Intelligence" Internet; Excelling energy entities EcoEnergystics Ethernet; Meaning My Master Mind Melanin Messiah met; With my Sovereign Solar Sexus Soul's sending setDeified digitized designated dragnet; And I don't have to make any bigoted bogus bargains nor bad bet; And left out of their whitewash brainwash black-box having no regret.__
Me - myself I am accountable; Personalized problem solving solution responsible._ Not whining and crying about what somebody did to me in the past; Knowing now that I am also "free at last"; Thus to try tackling the troubling task; Removing man made meaningless mask; Manifesting multimillionaires monumental mast; Forthcoming financial fund flowing fluidly fast.__
We are all at a closing crossroads; So do decided digital downloads; Pay the posted purchase prices at PayLoadz; Investing financial funds and no frogs and toads.__ 
Holistic Human Health Hierarchy; Advising against activists anarchy; Making meaningless malarkey._   
It all boils back down to nothing and naught; Butt I'm unclogging my heart's arteries as I ought; Clearing out the toxic tissue treacherous tricksters taught; Opening up the circulatory channels caught; By calcifying clots blocking blood brought; Through veins slow sluggish onslaught; Fighting fearlessly for free flowing fluids fought; Avoiding dehydrating drainage dietary deficiency droughtSaving Sovereign Solar Sexus Souls sought.__
Further still, the aggregated Aboriginal Africoidians, and ancient ancestors also as authentic Africans, took their trips, trekking the long trailing tracks of the terrain. = HER vividly vibrant vitalizing VegePlanTerRain. http://vege-plan-terrain.blogspot.com/
BlacKlan White Ku Klux Klan

"Racially", religiously and politically, incorrectly called; "Blacks" as opposed to the twisted term; "Whites"!!
Nevertheless, here Wexz & Usxz are here today and it has come to this testing and trying timetable of Trials & Tribulations. "It's time for an awakening"; and a complete change of paradigm; Promotics vs. Politics!! Promocracy vs Democracy = dictators demonocracy!
OK: As yawls might already acknowledge; that I'm against Africans in America being branded "Blacks". And I don't really care, if others commonly call themselves "Whites". Butt, I can never be, somebody who I simply ain't, and absolutely is humanly not!
Albeit, African-America's autonomy is a mandatory must. Some say; "Black Autonomy"; in which we want with wealth; what historically belongs to My Melaninated Membrane Members, People of Cosmetic Coloration Complexions, and of Americ-Afric-Aspora's ascent! All Alpha-Alkebulan-Africa!!!
Those terming themselves; "Black People" "The Black Race"; have to have their own commercialized communities. Consummately controlled by the local neighborhoods citizens. And no other outsiders; are to buy land, own businesses, such as stores - shopping centers; whatsoever! Strictly - specifically speaking. Period. 
I feel as though they are proving to be radically really ready and wisely willing to fearlessly fight and die for full fledged freedom, from evil enemy Europeans, Euro-Anglo-Americans. We'z & Us's can't get along, in Love Peace & Harmony, humorously - humanely - happily - holistically-healthily! 
 Decreed Deliberated Demands, Citywide - Countywide - Countrywide, Cross-continental Commands. Commander Chief Conscious Conscience Cosmic CREATOR!!!
Hades hell hole No "The White Man" is not our "God" nor is he or his impostor image; our originating orbiting optical object = Omnipresent ORIGINAT-ORG-ONE! (ORIGINATOR)                         
YES: I Am The Original Creative ArtistCHD1 Avatar Avenger, Arthiest Actionary, availing and accelerating and advancing, ancient Angelic Ancestors Africoidian Aboriginal agenda; and actualualizing Atom-Amen-RA-RAYZ!!!
We's & Us's Sovereign SOLARSUN Server Savior, saves Solar Sexus Souls. Sons of SUNGODD DEITY. Deified Disc + Deliberated Dimensional Domain: COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts. And it is well written within wealthy worldwide wisdom: "Thy Kingdom Come"; "For Thine Is The Kingdom"; "Old things has passed away; Behold, I make all things new." "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth.". 'The Kingdom of God is inside you.'. 'Know ye not that you are the temple of the living God, and He, dwelleth within.?'  Yes, The 
Lords Love Life Lights Lockslong-lasting liberty!
Americanized Africans, have a Native Natural Nationalized NATINDIANS; Hue-Main-Right to have and to hold, own and operate, our own organizations. Inclusively, banking businesses, ecological economical exchanges, THE BLACKRAYZ WEALTH-WALL Street Stock Shares Sciessence Systream. Masterfully meaning; "MONEY MASTER THE GAME"; written book by a decent, completely cured - cleansed - cultured: Good Great Whitish Hope Abolitionist minded man of Europe's descents. Commonly called Caucasian Caucasoid citizen! (Anthony Tony Robbins 2014)
By contrast, the flabby fat faker Conspirator Alex Jones. Wickedly working in cahoots collusion, coalition corruption; with self-serving sucker stooges, sycophant sellout Sethian Samboes, inclusively, allied by The Black Jackass Uncle Toms. SAMBOISM & SELFHATISM & UNCLETOMISM!!!
Fears return of originating organic "White Slavery"; if "The Black Liberation Army" & "Black Autonomy Federation"; frees those badly branded "Black Slaves". And actor Alex, want incompetent cops containment controls of an alleged and assumed; "Black Community". He tried to straddle the white picket fence, when his big bullfrog belly, got caught and snagged upon the sharks sharp political points = technical teeth.. He foolishly fail finally, fell fatally. Along with his "first Founding Fathers" fraudulent U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights; The Republic, and The Devilishly devolved demonic Declaration of Independence, and The 13th Amendment's "Black Codes" criminalizing curses! Can he and his helper rationally reason; with The Spirit of Truth totally told 100%=? http://www.last.fm/music/ArtistCHD/THE+SPIRIT+OF+TRUTH
Executive Order National Emergency
The United States Federal Government Mandate complete controls over each-every Slave State of America!    

Twenty First Century, Modern Day Underground, Legalized Slave Trade Market & Jailhouse Prisoner Corruption Racket. Evil enemy Euro-Americans inordinately investing into, inside, Their Prison Industrial Complex!!. Sociopath Slavers Satanic Supremacy Superiority Superpower Sickness Syndromes, Submissively serving sinister scientists, surreptitious sneaky snakes, stealthy seafaring serpents, systemic System SATAN!!!*>:) devil
STATES Are Our Of Official Controls And Therefore Must Mandatory Be Completely Controlled!!!
States Governors - Legislators - Lawmakers, Mayors and City Councils; are forming Evil Conspiracies to catch - capture and imprison those they termed as being biologically bodily "Black"! These tyrannical terrorists, treasonous traitors of the USA, intentionally - deliberately and knowingly, concocts - creates criminalizing civic conditions, by murdering "minority" citizens of other Ethnicity than their own, unless, they are 'poor pecker-woods - petty patties'. Impoverished indigents. Then after the common citizens, riotously rebelliously react or overreact, then they turn around justifying and rectifying "racist" arrests. Feeding violators into the same Sadist - Supremacist - Satanist Sociopath Slavers System!
Criminally Constituting: Kidnapping and 'Human trafficking across county - state lines - borders - jurisdictions. Thus, trading off and in, buying and selling human stock-shares. Transporting the entrapped - enslaved (Mexican-African-Americans - Latinos) back and forth. Incarcerated inmates - prisoners producing private profits = $$$ Equals = 'mass incarceration' of our originating Hue-Main-Rayz; as opposed to; "The Human Race"!!
My Melaninated mixed membrane members, mingles and mates and marries, among many  muti-millions. All around our orbiting Global-World-Nations. PanorAfricAspora. We're representing, The Light & The Dark!!
Although, whosoever, want Sovereignty, Autonomy, are going to take it one way or the other, sooner than later, and "by all means necessary". Regardless of "Racist White Supremacists"; In spite of , "Racism White Supremacy" and "The White Terrorist Dominators". And it matters in the minute least, there being a "Brown Face" United States President Barack Hussein Obama, Oval Officer Commander In Chief, of the Pentagon, and Military Armed Forces. "I'm half black and I'm half white"; "mutts like me" = Mastermind Melanin Messiah Male? "Lord & Savior"?" The called and chosen and sent artistic anointed ONE?
Anyway, faking flabby fat Jones, has happily joined "The Globalization" of who he calls; "The Globalists" of '"The New World Order" And as an angry Aryan-Anglo-American actor agent. Always talking about how to shoot and kill, "Blacks", who riot, raid and loot stores. And on his talk show "infowars"; he proclaimed that, (paraphrasing) 'I would not close and board up his store or shop, but, just simply wait until "these black thugs" try to come inside, and boom, I'd shoot them dead! He frequently rants and raves about taking We's & Us's out and under! Isn't he crazy?!
Today, Tuesday, November 25, 2013.....11:00 am, jukebox big belly joking jelly Jones, jumping all the way on to the other side, supporting the predatory petty patrol police. And not like before, his on the scenes, grassroots ground reporters, were not pushed all round and shot by rubber bullets. So they bought into this treacherous tricksters tactical trick!
Turned their whitefaces on the blackfaces of supposed to be "Black friends". They took off the traditional white hoods of attire, and put on their black hoods; satanically stating that this is a "Black & White" conspiracy to divide us up into "races" and "racial" groups. To justify bringing in the National Guards, Special Militarized Police State Task "Delta Forces". Thus to truly crack down on democracy, civil liberties, and constitutional rights of the American citizens. Imposing civic curfews and activating Martial Law! 
Nevertheless, it is he, and his media crew, aiding and abetting, "Urban-Race-Riots & Civil War; And America At Guerrilla War!!! Falsely broadcasting that the local teenagers of St. Louis, Ferguson Missouri, are shooting at the cops, and firemen, first responders and should be shot back at with full force, etc,. etc., etc., = exclaimed evil!
Persistently playing the Color Coded Card, "race card"; constantly crying, clamoring claiming, black this white that, whites that, blacks this, on and on endlessly. Adversely acting as if he has never heard of the truer terminology; Afro-Americans, African Americans, Africans 'n America. People of Color of Africa's ascent! What's up with his humanity hatred?
That stupid stuff; is posing politicized problems; inside our overall aggregate country. Yet he tries to tell his listening audience, that the true terrorists are "the black thugs"; giving peaceful protesters and the US Constitution a bad name. Really"?
"Thanks-taking vs Thanksgiving"; This entire evil empire of a Neo-Nazis Nation, was first founded upon vicious violence, mass murders and genocide, of millions of my melanated members. Native Natural NATINDIANS. Inclusively, Indigenous Inhabiting Indians. And the systemic systematic serial killings keeps happening, officially occurring, on going in an inseparable chain of evil Eu-Rope-ans event!
Even though their tyrannical, local, major - mainstream mass media, menacing mad monsters, make everything seem Simple Simon; happy Honky dory go lucky, fine and dandy. Shows on token TV featuring a few; Colored Boys & Girls, acting all advantageous, happily having humored, showing surface-superficial shining smiling friendly faces. Foolish fakers and pretentious phonies!
After Aboriginal Africoidians are hanged high, lynched and Nationalist Negroidians necks noose-d, then they try to tell We's & Us's how to reply - respond - react! Thus to faithfully follow their guidelines and ruthless Roman rule of law. Yet these Caucasus cave crawling cannibalistic cold climate Caucasoidan creatures, CauCrazians are lawless - unlawful, uncivilized and unholy!!!
U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, may have signed The Emancipation Proclamation, butt, he never Ratified nor actually Freed any African slaves and entrapped - enslaved Am-e-ri-cans and as AmeriAfrindians! Lets be quite crystal clear on this truth! OK Y'all?
Admonishing - Cautioning - Warning - Beware!
These "racists" refuse to 
: Pharmacide & Genocide! Therefore, I am boldly bravely, fearlessly fighting for the finalizing finish, fatal down fall of the devilishly demonic divided dis-United States Satanist of Anglo-America. Righteously replaced by THE USAAPROMISED LANDSUnified Statutes of America + Africa!!
Thank Y'awls very kindly, from the kindhearted kinky KING, of COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Artshttp://www.colorkingdomnwca.com 
PS: really research-read references at: http://black-klan.blogspot.com 

WEXZ & USXZ Want & Wills; Ten percent to Twelve percent of the USA's 
WEALTH = $$$100$+ RARE ROYAL RICHES - RIGHTEOUS RESOURCES. Four Hundred Years of Slavery: "Let My People Go"; or else, Divine Decreed Devil Damnation; Declaration-Destruction-Desolation!!! The End Time Days of Reckoning; Trials & Tribulations are now beckoning! http://www.last.fm/music/ArtistCHD/End+Time+Days+of+Reckoning
Going forwards and upwards along the Nile river, sailing and row boating and drifting with HER currents coasting. Explorers experiencing everything evolving, elemental existences, environmental entities. Each excelling ecology, elevated - enhanced economy. Equals = EcoEnergystics!
Eventually ending down inside the Nile River Valley, where Wexz & Usxz, began creating civilizations, countries - counties - cities cross-country + constructed continental. Consequently consolidating cosmic creative chemistry, conscientious charisma, concurrently concentrating collective citizenry.

APEX ASCENDANCY: An accumulated, amalgamated, aggregated Aboriginal Africoidian attribute, arrives and arises as Arthiest Actionaries. Authentically authorized artisans, appointed artists and anointed artistry. AFRICASPORA!
"After ordering your copy of MONEY: MASTER THE GAME you will receive an email with access to Tony’s exclusive Fast Track bonus video series and your instant download of the first chapter."
"Anthony Robbins is a catalyst for change and a strategist for success. He creates change in minutes, when normally it couldn't be accomplished in years."

Get an Almost Free Copy of Tony Robbins’ New Book, Money: Master the Game

AfricAspoar_colorAfricAspoar_color neg image
Our SPIRITUAL RENAISSANCE MOVEMENT: Spiritiously searching, seeking self-improvement, earthly empowerment, essential employment, enchantment, entertainment + enjoyment + enlightenment.
Just as the silky sands of seashores wash upon land masses, so did these terrestrial territorial travelers, ending all together at an apex. Rare Rich Royal Resourceful rendezvous. Radiant RAYZIAL reality!

Executive Order National Emergency The U.S. Federal Government Mandate complete controls over each-every Slave State of America!
YES: Westernized world warmongers, werewolves - warlocks - warlords - wizards, wicked witchcraft WhitTie whip Cracker CauCrazians - cowardice Caucasoidian Cro-Magnon crossbred citizens. Crazy capitalist - colonialist corrupted criminals, crooked cops! (Never to be confused nor mistaken for our; Clean Cultured CaucAsian citizenry! Approx. about 10% to 12% Saved - Redeemed & Divinely Decreed Delivered!)
And also approx. about 88% to 90%; are as asinine a-s-s angry Aryan- Angloidian-Americans, antagonist adversaries and alien agencies; always acting against ascendant Aboriginal Africoidians, Afro-African-Americans, Afrindians - Amerindians - Afrasians and as I Am Avatar Avenger AmericAfrindian ArtistCHD1 via JESUSTICE1 Justice Judgment!!! http://jesustice1.blogspot.com 
Spiritually - Mentally - Physically: counter-combating, internalized injurious injustice! JUSTICE nor Jesus; in which, never - ever existed herein; "White America"! Mutant militaristic; invaders - rapine raping raiders, ruthless robbers, and obscene-offensive occupiers!!                
Negative nasty naughty nose Nationalized Neanderthal Neo-Nazis NATO. Evil enemy entities = Ebola engineering eugenicist Eu-Rope-ans = evilly evolved Europeans of Europe & Eurasia! Executioners!!! http://ebola-euro-eugenicist.blogspot.com/ 
Howsoever: They're hideously hostile - hysterical and hate healthy humanity-humankind = Hue-Mainity - Hue-Main-Kind. Therefore frightfully fearing for their own lives, by the simple sight, seeing somebody born biologically blessed, big and bold and brave Brothers. Who artificially appear to be bluish-blackish, basic brown; redbone and high-yellow.. Superficial surface skin shades, tissue tones - tans - tints too! Ref. http://humanity-humankind.blogspot.com. ..
Darkxz - Lightxz - Grayxz - Color codesDarkxz - Lightxz - Grayxz - Color codes neg image
THE DARKS & THE LIGHTS: Concurrently collecting, constantly composing, cosmetic coloration complexions. Rayzially ranging from the darkest to the lightest tissue tones - tans - tints. And y’all take special Note vs. Vote, that there were no such of thing, as a “Race” religious politic!

Only our organic organisms; ORIGINAT-ORG-ONE-1 = OMNIPRESENT ORIGINATOR. The Divine Decreed Determinate Deliberator; Declared Deified Deliberator.
Originat-Org-One_color 1500Originat-Org-One_color neg image 1500
Proximate Poem:
Center carbon core creation cradle crystal; Dignity Divinity Diamond Designs Digital; Developmental dimensional domains distal; Panoramic pyramidal phenomena picturesquely proximal; Proven pinpoint position pivotal; Omnipresent orgone orgasmic original; Organic organisms objectively optimal; Appointed anointed artworks arisen arrivals.__
“Distal; 1 away from or the farthest from a point of origin or attachment.
2 away from or the farthest from the midline or a central point,”

“prox·i·mal adj. Nearer to a point of reference such as an origin, a point of attachment, or the midline of the body.” Plus+ “proximal /prox·i·mal/ (-mil) nearest to a point of reference, as to a center or median line or to the point of attachment or origin.”

PLANET MOTHER EARTH NATURE + HER HEALTHY VEGEPLANTERRAIN Grassroots Growth Ground Level Zero Circumference. Genesis Genius Grand Gifted Grace.
Planet Poem:

Early EARTHORS; Ancient Ancestral Arthiest Actionary Actors; Basic bestowed better blessed benefactors; Firstly foremost family foundation factors; Talented territorial terrestrial truth telling tractors; Authentic actual artistic animators; Athletic aerobic anaerobic activators; Colorful character clean cultured creators; Intelligent intellectual innovators; Optimal Occupyneers orgasmic organic organism originators.__
The entire planetary earthly sphere; Was only one single solitary atmosphere; Having also an ozonosphere; Strategic stationed stratosphere._ The Ultimate Ultra-Universal Unification; United Global-World-Nation; Complete continental concentration; Containment controlled consolidation._

Hominids and humanoids historical migrations; Happened as the planetary plates divided into separations; Many multitudes were automatically set in segregations; As the ocean-sea waters caused Isolations; And some societal sectors suffered desolations; While others rode upon land mass mitigations; Rushing rainwater’s inundating irrigations; Courageously counter combating complications; Counting correct concurring calculations; Seeing how The Darks and The Lights litigations; Spread outwards in profuse proliferations.__ Web URL: http://cknwca1.sosblogs.com
Phantom Physics_color 1500Phantom Physics_color neg image 1500
Next notes.…

PHANTOM-PHATOM-PHYSICS-1; Pure Potency Power, Pyramidal Panorama Phenomena = PANORAFRICASPORA. The perfected pinnacle peak performance!
YES: My Master Mind Melanin Messiah Mental Models, more meaningful methods, mechanisms, merchant money making means, memory modes, advances all Africans. And accelerates artistic achievements among all Actualists. Those who have happily learned leadership lessons, instructing them to think thoughts outside the parameters, conscious confines of only; "Whites & Blacks"!!

The whitewashed wall and the blacklisted box, blinds bio-bodily beings. They tend to teach colorblind concocted concepts, when in actuality, we're are all; reality's Rayzial radiance, cosmology's colorful citizens, inclusively, the contextual contents of our original character. Came completely cultured clean, correctly cultivated consummately!
YES Y'ALL: the planetary phenomena, proliferated people, purposely producing pervasive populations. Plus + the personages were already pure, and needed not to be purified, nor purged of poisonous pollution. Plaguing politicized propaganda, publicized psychological - physiological problems, didn't need to ever exist. Of paramount importance, were and is the positive production, prompt promotion, propagation of prodigious progeny, perfected personalities. Planting Philosophical Promocracy + Promocratic principles. Provisional PROMOTICS vs Politics! http://www.last.fm/music/ArtistCHD/PROMOCRACY 

ZENEITH ZERO: A place in the timetables that there came art-working together producing positive progress, planetary populations of people of complex cosmetic coloration. They rendezvoused at this terrestrial territorial time reaching the highest achievement success, upon planet Mother EARTH!
anim rain clouds 2anima%20rainbow_2.gif

MULTIPLEX-RAYZIALS: Radiant Rainbow realization: The Called & Chosen citizens, traveled down the long streaming Nile River Valley, reaching from the upper South continental to the lower North continental Africa. Many multitudes, multimillions melaninated membrane members, made their exploratory journeys down this wealthy waterway. With the womb of Womanhood’s witty wisdom, worthy of worship! 
Z-BlackRayz Blac-Keys_neg image_smZ-BlackRayz Blac-Keys _small
Z-BLACKRAYZ Radio Reverberating Resounding Radiance Rainbow Rays = COLORAYZ. Cosmic Creative Chemistry is what we're working within and without. What's on the inside internally, is also on the outside externally. The radio waves are artworks actualizing as Arthiest Actionaries. The lights are the mirror manifestation of the darks, in reverse reverberations. The BlackRays, are the consolidated, cold condensed carbon core creation cradle. Thus then solemnly set to the highest hydrogen - hottest helium HEATXZ. Ferocious flaming fires!

NO, never was this a per se; “Black thing”; nor a “White thing”!! It was all about heaving and networking together, for the common good of all Aboriginal Africoidians. The Lights & The Darks. Tall + short statures, terrestrial territorial tissue tones - tans - tints. Which in Africa Kenya means “Harambee”. Brothers and soulful sisters, setting aside their personalized differences, divisions, religious politics, and artfully forming, The Ultimate Ultra-Universal Unification.
Butt fashion fine female
BUTT BETTER BLESSED: Respecting the rights of others, honestly honoring the true talents of individual persons, in operational order, to compatibly combine them into one unified group of organizational cooperation, caring collaboration. And nobody was stereotyped stigmatized socially, nor did anyone think that they were better, innately, than others; who may have looked somewhat different. The collective contributions came concurrently culturally clean and completely cured of curses!

Unfortunately, after tens of thousands of years, periods passed by, gluttonous greed, got hold to the treasonous traitors, who wantonly wished to capitalize and monopolize upon; the Grand Great Genesis Geniuses Gifts of Grace.
Impostors + Impersonators: Politicized predatory profiteers, purposely pitches and pitted people against one another. So that they could more easily expediently exploit everybody economic energy efforts. Claim glory unto themselves, yet were phony priests, pretending to pray to their man made mythological Masters, later to be commonly called; “God” or gods. Sinister sorcery, surreptitious stealth and satanic scientists surfaced; as severe suppressors of Spiritual Sanctuaries and societies! 
 Me + Airline_ Seattle, Wash 1978-80..... Me + Margaret Joyce Shields Seattle, Wash. 1976-78
Fortunately, all authentically authorized Arthiest Actionaries, appointed artisans and anointed artists,  employing themselves, ourselves, to counter-combat-compressively, the criminally corrupt capitalists, colonialists, corporate centralizing crooks! Yes, We’s & Us’s cast curses, the spells, trances taking their treacherous tails out and asinine asses underground. Officially off into the cemetery graveyards, of Divine Decreed Devil Damnation, Declared Deaths & Deliberated Demises!!!
Next notes...
BRAVELY BOLDLY BUILDING BIG BANKING BUCKS: Compass Capital Cash Currency; Clean Cultured. Forthcoming Financed Funded Fortunes Fortress = $$$ Divine Decreed Donations, Declared Deliberated Dollars = $$$. Making More Meaningful Manufactured Mercy Merchant Money + Phantom-Phatom-Physics-1 Pure Potency Powered Positive Production Profits = $$$.
Name: Z-BLACKRAYZ Phantom-Phatom-Physics1 OriginatOrgOne1
URL:  http://blackrayz.wordpress.com/ 
animated-gifs-diamonds-2.gifDivine Decreed Deliberation – Determination – Deified Declaration: Instead of long lost losers Liberation. What I AM acknowledging is, Wexz & Usxz, are actualizing anointed artworks, deliberately and determinately. Deliberating  Dignity Digital Divinity Diamond Designs.

NOTE vs. Vote: strictly says specifically, spend your hard or easy earned extra-income, made merchant money, within wealth. Go to my main web site domain, front Homepage, all the way to the bottom, and an active Donation button is posted COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts via COMPASS Banking System’s Safety Security, Sacred Spiritious Sanctuary.

It is more blessed to givethan it is to receive.”
PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!
Of Our Optical Orbiting ORIGINAT-ORG-ONE-1


BRAVELY BOLDLY BUILDING BIG BANKING BUCKS: Compass Capital Cash Currency; Clean Cultured. Forthcoming Financed Funded Fortunes Fortress = $$$ Divine Decreed Donations, Declared Deliberated Dollars = $$$. Making More Meaningful Manufactured Mercy Merchant Money x Intelligent Investment Interest 100%+ Phantom-Physics-1 Pure Potency Powered Positive Production Profits = $$$
You're Better Beneficially Bestowed Blessed
Thank You & Yawls Very Kindly From The Kindhearted Kinky 

Ancient All Alpha-Alkebulan Africa ancestry; She’s our primary ancestral anointed artistry; Under Solar SUNGODD’S cosmic chemistry; Mathematical numbered global geometry; Mother Earth Nature’s indigenous inhabiting industry; Mastermind messiah mental model ministry.__

Primer Poem:
Yes Wexz & Usxz has and have everything; That is a necessitated needing; Basically because better bodies blessedly bringing; The truest talents tuning toning timely thing; And it’s never what we don’t having zing; Butt with words of wiser wisdom we solemnly sing; Yet there are those talking from a self serving sling; Calling themselves descendants downwards dogging ding; Chitter-chatter castigators constant cling; Telling our people how lacking ling; And that there’re no skilled laborers of African “Starlings“; Refusing realization of original Earthings; Trained technicians trustworthy truing; Well within weatherized wood-workings; Plus diverse numbers of mechanics mingling; Manufacturing materials and not at all malingering; Although pessimistic personal problems proliferating; Fraud in fact lies of leading liars lingering._

Native natural nurturing name; Planned planet perfected plane; Play performance plain; Spirit Source Science System’s Sunshine same; Better born benefit bestowed blessings blame; Conscious Cosmic CREATOR came.__

Medical Murder Melanin Member Mass Manslaughter !!!

Written today, Saturday, October 12, 2013... 9:28 pm. [page 1]

YES: I AM The Original Creative ArtistCHD1 AmeriAfrindian Avatar Avenger. And authentically appointed anointed Arthiest Actionary. Called chosen and sent by my Conscious Conscience Cosmic CREATOR!

OK YAWLS: Having said that truthfully, now next, listen up and pay close attention, to what I’m talking all about. Love Peace & Harmony. This is no time to argue, debate, fuss and fight. It is of imperative importance, that everybody, take the precious time out to thoroughly read My Mastermind Melanin Messiah Message! Get your hearts and minds right with each and every single one of your brothers and sisters = self salvation!

WE’S & US’S: = African Americans, Afro-Americans, Afrindians; inclusively, Negroes, Colored People, “Blacks” and Browns, redbones + high yellows. Are actively being informed, that we’re at warfare, under attacks and assaults, every second - minute and hour of the day - week - year! Stay on your guard duty personalized posts!
KNOW, now and how: As a direct and indirect results, of The Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, + Prison Industrial Complex + Military Industrial Complex!!!
A Modern Day Underground Legalized Slave Trade Market & Jailhouse Prisoner Corruption Racket! RAYZIAL = “Racial” Profiling nonwhites. And to filled their prison cells, they are arresting Africans in America, especially, young males/men. And these are terrorist thugs, treacherous tyrants, undercover CauCrazian cops, who’re Ku Klux Klansmen + women, nasty naughty nose negative Neo-Nazis. Gestapo Police Officers and lawless enforcers of “Racism White Supremacy” = “White Terrorist Dominators!”
Moreover, after being incarcerated, held human hostages, they test thus treat their melaninated member prisoners, with all manner of experimental chemical concoctions, detrimental deadly drugs + demonically destructive dopes! Jeopardizing our native-natural defenses, compromising our strong immune systems. A sudden or slow sinister (patient) process! Silent serial killers! Melaninated membrane members medicinal mass murderers!
BEWARE Y’all see with crystal clear clarity: Americanized Africoidians, are aimed at, targeted; each and every time they fall into the criminal clutches, of The DEVILS’S demon doctors, predatory profiteering physicians, pushing psychotropic pharmaceutical prescription pill pollutions. Purposely poisoning persons = people’s planetary populations!
Eu-Rope-an eugenicists = extremists - evil enemy energy entities = empire Executioners! (Europeans). Commonly called, Caucasians = Caucasoidians, = criminal creatures, cannibalistic CaucAsians = came crawling out of the freezing ice-cold Caucasus cave conditions. THEY: are actually doing everything that they possibly can, collectively, to commit continental genocide against African Americans and people of cosmetic coloration complexions. Y’all now know these truths 100%+ = them = psychopaths + sociopaths!!
Me - Artworks +  boarding Airomexicana in Oaxaca, Mexico 1981-82

NOBODY - NO ONE: Has a human right to take any one of MY PEOPLE out, nor commit Pharmacide against them. Regardless of their personal shortcomings, faults. We all get sick, ill at times, such as life. Expressly, Mitchell & Peter & Clarence + Henrietta!!
Furthermore, these demons and devils, human haters of HueMainity of HUEMAINKIND and of the HUEMAINRAYZ = deep dark toned tanned + light tinted tissues. Superficial surface solarized sunshine skin; specifically. surreptitiously - strategically shooting Wexz & Usxz down daily in cold and hot blood. So just be aware of this truth. Totally trust not a single one of these western world wicked witchcraft WhitTie whip Cracker CauCrazians. And realize that you may not be able to tell - detect or distinguish, the bad ones from the good ones. Decent “Whites” from the indecent asinine ass angry Anglo-America Al Qaida Operatives - prejudice petty patrol police officer occupiers!
Likewise, completely check out any of your pharmaceutical prescriptions. Write the key information down on paper. Know their clinical - medicinal names, by heart - remembering what their true intentions are or were. Never take foreign substances, just because some white coat wearing doctor - physician - nurse says so. All antagonist adversaries, alien agents, act as if they are trying to help and solve serious problems, but, do y’all truly know them? Do they have whitefaces or blackfaces or brownfaces?
Particularly watch out for the Devil’s “White Race”! We’re of the HueMainRayz. Be not deceived, nor misled, to foolishly, faithfully follow the advice of hospital personnel. Basically because, many of them are implants, imbedded as employees and staff = Satanists - supremacists. Know also, that our evil enemies, are astute, adept at disguises, and masters of deceptions!

“The Contradiction of the Notion of Freedom and Democracy”; The GoDevil-Damned dictators ‘demonocracy’; Historical inherent hate humanity hegemony hypocrisy; So now today CK-NWCA provided protection Promocracy.__

... continues >>>>
SMILING FACES”; sometimes try to be your faker friend. Cunning craftiness to win your trust. But, it’s a better beneficially bestowed blessing, to try and avoid the emergency rooms at hospitals. Due to your becoming or being most vulnerable, susceptible to those deceptive demons = dirty doctors! You are not worried about those who’re not corrupt - crooked, basically because, they try to save lives. Howsoever, be very alert and alarmed, knowing that there are those who do indeed intend to kill and murder melaninated membrane members. Expressly Black & Brown males = men! Plus+ causing miscarriages in females! Stealthily sterilizing solar sexus soul sisters!
WRONGFUL DEATHS: Are being committed citywide - countywide - countrywide; herein, the devilishly demonic divided dis-United States Satanist Slave ship. Sociopath Supremacy Superiority Superpower sickness syndromes = Sinister scientists - stealthy sorcerers - sneaky snake serpents, systemic System SATAN!!!
Crucially Critical Conclusions: Conjured chemical concoctions, can cause cancers, and kill you dead. It’s like somebody playing around on a freeway, with fast moving vehicles traveling back and forth. You are actually asking to be ran/run over! A dicey devilish decision, gambling game, that sooner or later you can not win! This is the typical thing that is happening to too many Africans in America. Thinking that dopey drugs, legalized or illegal, are answers to solving health problems = medical conditions. But, they are absolutely NOT!                                                             [page 2]
Nevertheless, if in fact, one gets themselves, in a crucially critical circumstance, then they have no other clinical choice, other than to take the mis-medications. And some chemicals can save your life, at the moment. Yet none of these strong substances, were created = concocted, for a living human bio-bodily-being, taking these tissue toxins, for prolonged periods of time. Many if not most, physicians and the drug manufacturers, are openly telling patients - people, to beware of the negative side effects physically + psychological affects! But, do We’s & Us’s truly listen?
THE DEVIL’S demons: deliberately designs detrimental destruction. Intentionally injecting bad bacteria, causing inflammations = infections. While a patient is in their custody, possession, criminal clutches. The nurse that one usually has appointed to him or her, is suddenly changed. A new profiteer physician all of a sudden starts checking charts and you out, while you’re conscious or unconscious; yet lying in a compromised position. And love ones are not staying on guard, watching out! Too trusting, naïve and gullible! Not asking key questions! Failing to do in depth research, studying severe (surgical) situations themselves! Allowing their health conditions to get much worse!
Further still: Once a patient is put on chemical - medical drugs, become all doped up and down, then, they also get hooked just like junkies, addicted and intoxicated. And far too many African Americans are in a mental state of denial! Howsoever, proscription pills do indeed produce addictions, affinities, adverse reactions if that person - patient, try to get back off of them, on their own. And they are also warned not to try, without their physicians determination or permission, etc. Jailed on lockdown! Ya see?
Basically, because the body has adjusted to the toxins, that has built up inside the tissues, tendons, ligaments, bones and marrow. Which will kill that individual, as well as the disease or medical condition they are experiencing or suffering! Withdrawal syndromes are deadly! It’s your being under or in front of a forceful firing squad being executed!
“We have to change our consciousness, as well as those who have enchained us.” Ivan Van Sertima. This is to come up out of our historical harm, hurt, and healthily heal. The so said “Black man is in a terrifying situation.” ‘That’s due to the Europeans historical hate, exploitations, oppression, enslavements, imprisonments, denigrations for centuries; to date; Wednesday, May 1, 2013...5:20 pm.

ON DEATH ROW But Just Don’t Know: Means it’s only a materialized manifest matter of time before the satanic sentencing is carried out. So Stop-Point-Blank-Period pill popping, poisonous pharmaceutical prescription pollutions or else DIE! Try never to get on them first of all, refuse to place yourselves in harms way! If possible?  http://www.last.fm/music/ArtistCHD/Stop+Point+Blank+Period
DIETRIX + DEITRIX:: Although, I’ve invented, co-created - originated, a Clean Culinary Cellular Cultural Cure! Completely comprehending, exactly what I’ve just stated, said in the above - aforementioned paragraph, one might be able to stay on their prescribed medications, yet, get themselves, off of death row!
DeiTrix DieTrix_colorDeoTrox DoeTrix_color ned image
YES: I AM A Solitary Sovereign Son of SUNGODD DEITY (Decreed Divine Disc) = SOLARSUN shining serenely up and out into the crystal clear skies. The only Omnipresent One Orgasmic Orgon ORIGINATOR = Grandly Great Generator + Graceful Giver. The everlasting, longstanding leading Lords Love Life Light Locks!!! Arch Angel Ark Anchor Ankh Arthiest Actionary Atom Amen-Ra. Of_ Z-Blac-Keyz and of Z-BlackRayz!!!                                                    [page 3]
YES: Love Goddess Mother Nature Earth = All Alpha-Alkebulan-Africa’s ancient ancestry. And African Americans ascendancy. Holistory Health Heritage = Humanity’s Healing Help. Her vital-VegePlanTerRain. OK, are y’all following with me? Listen up and pay close attention. I’m talking all about eating fresh homegrown garden greens, collards - mustards - turnips. More so, putting some of them inside a blender, mixers, along with whatsoever, you wish to add as sweeteners, lemon juice, etc. Then consume this detoxifying drink. She’s serving some Solar Sexus Soul saving substances = sustenance. Cleansing culinary crops comprising chlorophyll; is what you will... are being blessed by. Plus+ potent plant products, vitamins and minerals, and curative ingredients - elements that mankind don’t even know about yet, today! OK?
your front designyour back design
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This time tested nurturing female, lady = wealthy womanhood’s wittier wisdom, worthy of worshiping. Just like our ancient Africa’s ancestors did; historically. Before there were “Whites” living upon the face of the planet, period. So then; they don’t know what the Hades hell they’re talking about, concerning Americanized Africans health! Or X-Slaves!

COOKED + RAW: Both methods will work synergistically together. And y’all let nobody else, tell you anything different. Put them in check, regardless of what they say, think or politically religiously bible base believe. Know now today these truths 100%+.
My Melanin Mastermind militarist maneuvers: Surely setting MY PEOPLE, fully free, unto the perfect Hue-Main-Law of liberty. These tissue terrorists, are defeated and the demons in your biological bodily being, blasted and bombarded back out. And in other simpler words, the toxic treatments, are negatively neutralized by Neutrons. Nutrients inside the potently pure plant parts, cells, fiber-tissues; leaves + stems + roots. Throw none of these things away. They competitively counter combats vicious viruses, vaccines, invidious insidious inoculations. Flu shots, pneumonia, tetanus, diphtheria, hoofing cough clinical concoctions, cancer causing chemicals! = Dietary deliverance divinely decreed!
YES: I AM also a SPIRITIST + Spiritician = Spiritual Scientist = Spirit Source Science Systemic System’s Sovereign Sciessence Systream. Sacred secret Spiritious serum. Yes that’s a mouth full! But, I know precisely what I’m talking about, intuitively + instinctively + intelligently + intellectually x internalized immaculate imagination = immunization!
FORTUNATELY: Those soulful sisters and brave brothers, who choose to listen to me, shall surely live a long life, even during sickness and illness, trials and tribulations. While those opposing anything that I’ve said-stated, well, they’re on their own. They can foolishly gamble against the odds of fate and fall fatally. Unfortunately. So be it!
SOLAR SEXUS SOUL FOOD; First Family Financed Funded Foundation; Yet far too many of us decided, consciously chose, to forget where they came from. Got all worldly and materialistic, mean spirited, high minded thinking that they know or knew this that or the other, without, ‘Studying to show themselves approved unto our Cosmic CREATOR!’ ‘My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge’; In factual reality: The Highest Heavens Holy Ghost Spirit of Truth Powered Knowledge = Know How! To stay alive in the body!
HIGH RISKS: Decline to become a subjected victim to “White” demons, seeing how they just love us when we’re down and out, poor and impoverished. Families are at each others throats, divided due to their constant introductions - interjections of drugs into African neighborhoods. Crooked coconut cocoon cops, Black Jackass Uncle Toms, sorry sucker stooge sycophant sellout Samboes. Acting as slave catchers of their own people of color. US Federal Government - CIA sponsored crack rock cocaine, criminalizing petty pushers and crack heads. None violent citizens, of Africa’s ascent. Otherwise innocent, defenseless love ones. Our ancient ancestors Spirits strictly forbids! You’re for or against We’s & Us’s! Some soulless sinners just got to go! Bite the dirt and hit the dusty trail. Especially feigning faking false brothers and sisters = cross-country = PAY the PRICE!!!

UNCLETOMISM - SAMBOISM - SELFHATISM: Too Bad They’re On The Wrong Side: Black & Brown brothers and sisters self-serving selfishness: Playing colorblind, being hired and paid a salary as prison guards, employees to keep their own relatives, love ones, held human hostages in bondage = modern day slavery. Idiotic ignorance = ignoramuses runs rampant among us, strident strife + stupidity. Police can never be our friends, they’re the thug terrorists, occupying foreign forces caging communities = police preying mantises, murderous monsters. Engineering all of the so said: “Black on Black Crimes” & Violence. Which makes Euro-Anglo-Americans so happy, showing their pretentious smiles and grins. Ya gotta know these “White People” and who we’re dealing with. It’s in their DNA Codes, to hate nonwhites, at least, 88% to 90% are our eternal evil enemies = Exceptionalist - Extremist - Eugenicist Executioner Eu-Rope-ans.

Albeit, better beneficially born blessed, on the other hand, there’re approx. about 10% to 12%, who I identify as being decent, Good Great White Hope Abolitionist minded men and women. A really rare few! They somehow, Mother Nature, saved, redeemed and delivered; him and her justly! No, this is not about hating “Whites”; but self-defense! Self preservation + self survival! Are you all artfully apprehending this truth? Think!

WAR CASUALTIES : Fallen soldiers on their own swords sometimes, -- sailors, aboard their seafaring ships sinking, airmen crashing out of the airways jets flying overhead are downed. Due to religiously believing that they can beat back the dangerous drugs. Sustain or prolong their beloved lives. Without alternative medicines, divinely decreed dietary lifestyle changes. But they have all been proven dead wrong! They unknowingly, unwittingly are systemically + systematically being deliberately killed, medicinally murdered, expertly executed! Do y’all now today think that this is a simple sporting game?
I AM A WARRIOR & A VALIANT VICTOR: Thank yawls very kindly from the kindhearted kinky KING of COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts: http://www.colorkingdomnwca.com
PS; Eat homegrown greens, drink dark chlorophyll, Raise + increase your vibration frequencies = ratio-rates x wavelengths. Ingest mega-multivitamins + minerals - extra C, zinc, selenium. Take care of your own health + healing: ‘To Know Thy Self’ is to LOVE THY SELF!!!               [page 5]
Polarity Poem:

They’re occupying our original lands lovely gem; Thus that truly never can belong to them:; So times are tough and hard now today grossly grim; Their down fall from financial fitness fitly flem-film; The political pollutions planetary poisons prim; Sneaky snake serpent stealthy Satanists slimy slim.__
Holistory Heirtage Health Hotep Heroes, The whole wide world web, all around our optically optimized Global World Nations. And I Am talking about, not necessarily, Pan-Africanism, butt better beneficially bestowed blessed by being, PanorAfricaoidianism = PanorAfricAspora!
Pyramid Poem: Yes leading liars lie; About history how when and why; They built the great pyramids ply; In ancient Africa Egypt Kemet and didn’t die; But we’s and us’s now know that these invaders cry; Cursed by our ancestors spirits spy; Looking upon them thus thy: Knowing one’s self and not being shy; About the hot arid dissents duly dry; Their racist Arab asses shall surely fry.__

Unfortunately, the old-school of thought says “descendants of Africa” and or “African descendants”; and the Diaspora. And AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD, actualized an all Africoidian Ascendance Alpha-Alkebulan Africa!

An all and in all, inclusive, pyramidal panorama phenomena. Personalized, public people’s planetary populations, as biological balanced bodily beings of Her healthy, healing holistic humanity’s holistory. Wholesome stories totally told truths 100%+

Next notes....
“The Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU) was a Pan-Africanist organization founded by Malcolm X in 1964. The OAAU was modeled on the Organisation of African Unity, which had impressed Malcolm X during his visit to Africa in April and May 1964. The purpose of the OAAU was to fight for the human rights of African Americans and promote cooperation among Africans and people of African descent in the Americas.”
“On July 17, 1964, Malcolm X was welcomed to the second meeting of the Organization of African Unity in Cairo as a representative of the OAAU.
When a reporter asked whether white people could join the OAAU, Malcolm X said, "Definitely not." Then he added, "If John Brown were still alive, we might accept him."“
“We appreciate the fact that when the people involved have real equality and justice, ethnic intermingling can be beneficial to all. We must denounce, however, all people who are oppressive through their policies or actions and who are lacking in justice in their dealings with other people, whether the injustices proceed from power, class, or "race." We must be unified in order to be protected from abuse or misuse.” (Min. Mr. Malcolm-X Little Shabazz Big Red 1964-65)
“The term "negro" developed from a word in the Spanish language which is actually an adjective (describing word) meaning "black," that is, the color black. In plain English, if someone said or was called a "black" or a "dark," even a young child would very naturally question: "a black what?" or "a dark what?" because adjectives do not name, they describe. Please take note that in order to make use of this mechanism, a word was transferred from another language and deceptively changed in function from an adjective to a noun, which is a naming word. Its application in the nominative (naming) sense was intentionally used to portray persons in a position of objects or "things." It stamps the article as being "all alike and all the same." It denotes: a "darkie," a slave, a subhuman, an ex-slave, a "negro."“

“The civil rights bill is a similarly misleading, misinterpreted document of legislation. The premise of its design and application is not respectable in the eyes of men who recognize what personal freedom involves and entails. Afro-Americans must answer this question for themselves: What makes this special bill necessary? The only document that is in order and deserved with regard to the acts perpetuated through slavery and oppression prolonged to this day is a Declaration of condemnation. And the only legislation worthy of consideration or endorsement by Afro-Americans, the victims of these tragic institutions, is a Proclamation of Restitution. We Afro-Americans must keep these facts ever in mind.”

[ref. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organization_of_Afro-American_Unity]

Caucrasian or CauCrazian vs. Caucasian; By enhanced, excelled English language wording, defined meanings. The crazed or crazy Caucasoidians citizenry, collective community, city - county - country - continental; capitalist conglomerated criminally corrupt corporations!
As opposed to clean cultured, completely cured CaucAsians, of Eurasia and Europe. As polarized politically in contrast to Eu-Rope-a of the Eu-Rope-ans. Caucrasia is of the Caucrasians, who are radicalized racist renegade rouge Reptilian Race Religion!

Decisively Divide & Deliberate & Deliver: Decreed Divine + Declared Deified: COLOR KINGDOM NWCA, has happily set the entrapped - enslaved captive; “Free At Last”!

Racist Eu-Rope-an WhitTie sociopath supremacy
."Part 1, The Cost of White Supremacy and Racism"
Polarized Poem:
The main problem with humanity; Is Sociopath Supremacy Superiority insanity. Invidious insidious inhumanity_ A seriously severe sickness syndrome; Infecting indigenous inhabitants where over they roam; Sinister societies of Satanists in Europe and the USA here at home._
Xed Out Intellectual Junious Ricardo Stanton says: “The US Is A Sick Society” “In a nation ruled by capitalist psychopaths, ordinary psychopaths, sociopaths, and normal persons are induced to behave insanely to survive. When illegal expediencies are concocted to make a society ‘adaptive’ to psychopathic corruption, it makes psychopaths or sociopaths of all persons lacking mental capability to make themselves immune from the infecting propaganda and corruption.”
“Things are so bad in the US, more and more whites are coming to the conclusion the United States is a sick society ruled by psychopaths and sociopaths. Thinking Euro-Americans are beginning to see what Africans like David Walker, Elijah Muhammad, Dr Bobby Wright, Dr Francis Cress Welsing and Dr Amos N. Wilson said years ago, the ruling classes of Europeans are devils, and psychopaths.

As whites increasingly suffer from the designed economic downturn and the blatant betrayal by the politicians, being sold out to the Wall Street vampires, the Military Industrial Complex warmongers and multi national corporation leeches more books and essays are being written pointing out just how psychotic and demented the ruling elites are. These books and essays denote just how pervasive their psychopathic influence has been/is on the rest of society.

Due to the preposterous narrative of American Exceptionalism and its roots in European racism, most whites have been brainwashed to believe the myth the US is the good guy. They refuse to see their flaws and evils, the massive genocide, war mongering, rapine and plunder they’ve wrought on the planet. One reason is because in European culture this is their norm. When we study their history we see this pattern in their homeland and even earlier when they were nomads in Central Asia.”

YES: “Thomas Jefferson (April 13, 1743 (April 2, 1743 O.S.) – July 4, 1826) was an American Founding Father, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence (1776) and the third President of the United States (1801–1809). At the beginning of the American Revolution, he served in the Continental Congress, representing Virginia and then served as a wartime Governor of Virginia (1779–1781). Just after the war ended, from mid-1784 Jefferson served as a diplomat, stationed in Paris. In May 1785, he became the United States Minister to France.”
RACIST: Thomas Jefferson said that “Blacks smelled bad and were physically unattractive”’ And openly proclaimed that the enslaved Negroidian of Africa; "Blacks" were "inferior" to the supremely "superior" Americanized Anglo Saxons. "Whites" Yet he had a 13yrs old African teenage girl as his sex slave, and at 16yrs old she was impregnated, got pregnant by him as his mistress. By today’s laws that’s a felony act, crime of Statutory Rape. What a contradictory crazed Caucasian male, and blatant bigot! He also said that we were requiring "less sleep" than others, to justify working his slaves unmercifully, even unto their timely deaths. No question he, just as his peers were inhumane and psychotically insane! Holistory Heritage Health pt5 .

YES EARNED HEROIC HONORABLE SALUTE: John Brown (May 9, 1800 – December 2, 1859) was an American abolitionist who believed armed insurrection was the only way to overthrow the institution of slavery in the United States.[1] During 1856 in Kansas, Brown commanded forces at the Battle of Black Jack and the Battle of Osawatomie.[1] Brown's followers also killed five pro-slavery supporters at Pottawatomie.[1] In 1859, Brown led an unsuccessful raid on the federal armory at Harpers Ferry that ended with his capture.[1] Brown's trial resulted in his conviction and a sentence of death by hanging.”

COURAGEOUS Caucasian Caucasoidian Character: “Brown's attempt in 1859 to start a liberation movement among enslaved African Americans in Harpers Ferry, Virginia electrified the nation. He was tried for treason against the Commonwealth of Virginia, the murder of five men and inciting a slave insurrection. He was found guilty on all counts and was hanged. Southerners alleged that his rebellion was the tip of the abolitionist iceberg and represented the wishes of the Republican Party to end slavery. Historians agree that the Harpers Ferry raid in 1859 escalated tensions that, a year later, led to secession and the American Civil War.”


Alex Jones-George Zimmerman vs ArtistCHD1 AmeriAfrindian Avatar Avenger + CK-NWCA!
(Eve's Bayou 1996)
*:O) clownYES: Unfortunately and Insensitively, The Alex Jones and his show surely involves invidious insidious Institutionalized Racism! Yet he’s in a psychotic state of denial!
On or about the day and date of Friday, July 12, 2013...11:00 - 2:00 pm; Alex angrily announced, that George Zimmerman who shot and killed the young teenage Africoidian in America, Treyvon Martin; was innocent. And said that he should be acquitted of murder, or of the charge of “manslaughter”; and that the court judge prejudiced the jury against George. Proclaiming and broadcasting online across the airways, how it is so seriously a travesty of justice for defendant Zimmerman. Alex Jones prejudicially proclaimed!
YES: I vehemently profess that Alex Jones is just another radicalized renegade rouge reptilian religious racist! Wicked witchcraft WhitTie whip Cracker cowardice criminal Caucasian Caucasoidian. Euro-Anglo-American male or bad “White Man“; as he calls himself! He hostilely hates Blackish bio-bodily beings and fears them on visual sight; and says he 'will shoot them too'!
YES: he and all others like him are being disarmed, of their assault weaponry, guns and riffles. By The U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama’s Administration & Federal Government. They are in factual reality psychopaths and sociopath sinister Satanists! 

Worshipping Satan and the Devil in the falsified name of the murderous man person Anglo; “God” and alleged-assumed to be “Jesus” THE CHRIYST HORUS HEART_ DIVINITY.


Historically, biblically to this very same day. Nothing has changed in their hearts and minds and sorcerers spirits. His show features their false Christian beliefs; in which are actually, regressive, recessive, repressive, racist renegade rouge Reptilian Race Religion.


Moreover, Alex Jones had a so said; “Black Panther” leader of the old 1960s “Black Power” militants movement, as a guest speaker. “Pinkley” was his name; who I see as a sucker stooge sellout Sambo! Expressly, any African American who runs ranting and raving to some “White Man”; castigating and criticizing another African in America. And in this particular_ case, it was the New Black Panther Party leadership; Shabazz. Who they condemned vitally to death!


Now y‘all never get me mistaken nor wrong; “Pinkley” reported many meaningful things that are true about Shabazz. That’s not my main point though. It is his artless approach, that has historical grassroots growths in; Uncletomism, Samboism, Selfhatism. And “Pinkley” was being or acting like a: Black Jackass Uncle Tom!!!


What he and others ought to be doing, is dealing with their/our own personalized problems, among ourselves. Within the context of the “Conscious Community” of citizens, calling themselves being: “Blacks”!*B-) cool


I’m no respecter of persons, nor individuals that trespass against All-Alpha-Alkebulan-Africa’s Africoidian ascendants. This is inclusively, of who they call; Professor Griff. I don’t care who they are, nor what others think of them, big or small, dark skinned or light skinned. If and when they violate Spiritious Sciessences, Spiritualized Laws, they are effectually evil enemy energy entities!Thus to be eliminated - executed, exterminated into extinction! *:-O surprise



Yawls take NOTE vs. casting Votes: Griff is a professional profiteer! So is Alex Jones, selling fears and fright, human hostilities - hatred - hysteria = hypertension!

Then they form their soulless selling of products, DVDs, lectures - politicized speeches, for pure profits. At the expensive cost to those naively trusting them and which they religious preach and profess publicly.


Griff goes running real races, to Alex's office, conspiring in cahoots collusion with Jones, on published book sales. Ya see how they work together to mislead and to deceive the gullible listeners and audiences? Are they solving any problems? Do they offer our cure to criminal corruption?


They offer no viable, trustworthy, dependable; Problem Solving Solutions. And that’s not the intent nor purpose of exposing the U.S Federal Government, “The Globalists”; of “The New World Order”; illuminati, elite rulers, Wall Street Stock Marketers - Satanists, Hip Hop Gangster Rap artists, The Capitalist Corporate Conglomerates!

NO, not at all; are any one of them improving the lives of human bio-bodily beings. Butt, what each one of them are doing is stuffing their pockets with bank notes, and increasing their monetary accounts and financial fitness fortunes = $$$*:-& sick


*>:) devil Alex Jones is no different than Constitutionalists; “The Founding Fathers” = Satanic Slavers. Expressly Thomas Jefferson; who he praise and honor and worship as historical heroes. When in reality, they were racists, repressive rapists, religious radicals, enslavers of Africans in the Americas dis-United States of angry asinine ass Anglo-America Al Qaeda!*&lt):) cowboy smile 'n healthy humor.

So then “Pinkley” and Profes. Griff, teams with and sucks up to their Lord and Savior “Jesus” loving Alex Jones. Meaning that if and when We’s & Us’s have a difficult time talking to another brother or sister, never run snitching and squealing to some Americanized European! Take it up with Shabazz and The New Black Panther Party. Right or wrong and correct?!.

Thank yawls very kindly from the kindhearted kinky KING, of COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Artshttp://www.colorkingdomnwca.com
. via The beauteous tourist City of San Antonio, Texas.
Positive Pyramid Power_sm
The Alex Jones Show said: “Jesus said this”; alleging and assuming that he ever existed. He also has good intentions, colorblind foolish faith following faulty “Founding Fathers” fiction, fallacy fairytales, fraud in fact lies of leading lost liars! 
Yes Chriyst is HorusHeart Divinity. "Jesus never lived as biblically believed as a bio-bodily being. Therefore are; "The Globalists" & "The New World Order" not trying to rid the planet of these religious racists? Are all of these Christians of Christianity, Islamic Muslims, Jewish Judaism worshipers, of the "Luciferians" "Sethians" and radicalized Reptilian Religion Race?

I profess that anybody still stuck stupidly blindly believing in a human bio-bodily being by the name “Jesus world2.gif Christ” as Lord & Savior & “God”; is actually feeble minded. Deserving of demonic death and  devilish destruction!  The very same Satinic Sociopahty that has historically and is still destroy human lives, today, all around our optical; GLOBAL WORLD NATIONS!
Wiped off of the surface of planetary sphere Mother Nature Earth and Her Healty Healing VegePlanTerRain. Purifying, purging, people’s psychological poisons, physiological pollution politics, perverse populations = continental containment controls = eliminations, executions, exterminations, extinctions = evil enemy Eu=Rope-an Eugenics!!



"Eve's Bayou" dvd
Alex Jones also personally proclaimed online, today Monday, June 24, 2013... 1:45 pm, talking to a lady calling in to tell her story about some alleged: “Blacks”; young teenagers standing in front of her and family’s car. Stopping them from leaving, while calling them negative names of insulting sorts? She said they eventually drove off, as the youngsters through some rocks at them leaving, etc.  Surely she saved herself serious head aches, and troubles with the law. By getting the Hades hell flaming fires out of Dodge City. Simply putting some distance between her vehicle and those threatening or causing fears. Real or imagined!
Trigger happy hater hog head Alex went ballistic. Giving this "White Woman" blatantly bad advice and Satanist strong sinister suggestions. He loudly proclaimed "reverse racism"! Which is their own racism in and of itself!

In overreaction, Alex Jones said that if these “Blacks” had stood in front of his vehicle, that he would have ran/run over them! Which would have been first degree murders; under the Supreme Law of the Land. Warrenting The Death Penalty herein The State of Texas. The US Constitutional Rights of every citizen of America; to freedom of Speech, to express themselves, without his Terroristic Threats of committing homicides!
SUICIDAL: He went on to vehemently say; that if anybody threatens him or his family, wife and children, then he will not hesitate to shoot them dead! Apparently as accused, he and many other militia, are aiming their assault riffles at African Americans and people of coloration cosmetic complexions. FACT!
KemEgypt SSS_negative image

BUTT; here we are again with angry-Anglo-American Al Qaeda = WhitTie males militaristic mentalities. Firearms, weapons wicked witchcrafts, gun lover psychopath persons, prompting the United States Federal Government to disarm these terrorist tactical “Crackers”! Criminally crazy Caucasian Caucasoidians!
The gallant call of Calvary: Led by Courageous Commander Chief US. President Barack Hussein Obama Abraham Lincoln. And if in factual truth; Alex and his mad militia men want bloodly Urban Race Riots & Civil War; America At Guerrilla Warfare, then let the good games go; 'bring it on', commense the sporting events, so be it!
By the way, when an individual feels “threatened”; are they hysterically hateful, in the first place? Do they have mental problems such as fears and phobias of darker toned shaded Americans? Have so said “Whites” ever enslaved, entrapped, captured, tormented, tortured these mad youths herein the USA? Are the Anglo-American jails and prisons filled with innocent, non-violent Afrindians, Indigenous Inhabitant Indians, AmeriAfrindians today?
YAWLS DECIDE: Should Alex Jones come up or come down?! 

Painting Poem:
To the enlighten: Nothing seems to frighten._ The mind of our delighted; Sparkling sunspots sovereignty lighted; Every dull mentality blighted._ Uplifting the spirit so sensibly sighted; Seeing is believing internally unsighted; Future fortunes friendly invited.__
RELIGIOSITIES, are all regressive, recessive, repressive. Technically considered to be junk, garbage, dirty dumps, terrestrial territorial tissue trash. Collectively citizenries that has allowed themselves to stay stupidly stuck, on westernized wicked WhitTie witchcrafts, are also being targeted for an acute continental cleansing, circumstantial compelling cure!

TALENTED TECHNOLOGIES: taking time to take over orderly operations, conscious communications. Citizens continents containment controls, is a mandated must. Religions in their every conceivable conjured concoctions, causes corrosive cancers, criminal corruptions. Hold hostage humankind, to falsified, fraud in fact lies of leading lost liars!

WEXZ & USXZ: KNOW vs. Believe, in the cosmologies, technologies, of COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts. Perfectly paralleling “The New World Order”!
“I Feel The Angel of Death Flying Over My Head!” (Alex Jones 6-26-2013...2:16 pm)

ALEX JONES SHOW: He sells some seriously severe Satanic stuff. Frightful fears facing humanity due to technologies. His takes on this subject is negative, adversely antagonistic against advancing and ascending Arthiest Actionaries.

Everything and everybody is involved with tyranny, tactical techniques in tormenting tortures. Howsoever, he has his positive points too. Butt, technologies, started back in ancient ancestral All Alpha-Alkebulan Africa. And somebody, a western Eu-Rope-an “White” male or man or men, who looks just like he does, are the sole ones perverting the sciences. If it’s not one of them, then it’s the others! Commonly called Caucasian Caucasoidians!

Meanwhile We’s & Us’s are moving on farwards and upwards, artfully applying technological talent tools to tell the total truths 100%+. In spite of sinister scientists, sorcerers, sneaky stealthy snake serpents of the systemic system SATAN!
RaTan vs. Satan; Means Atom-Amen-Ra = radiant ray or Rayz as opposite or opposed to say-tan. The sunshine sends solarized sensations, sinister sociopath sensitivities + sanely sound sensibilities; inhumanity-insanity x humanity + sanity!!
No pathological perception of culpable crimes, guilt = no conscious conception of culpable criminal guilt. Unconscionable ugliness, unruliness, uncivilized, uncultured. Having no concerned, caring, charitable, compassionate conscience!
Caucasian Caucasoid citizens commonly can call; Naming themselves as “Whites” being superiorly supreme above all; Effectually enslaving everybody who refused to install; Prejudiced personalities the throne of their imaginary “God” to enthrall; Drawing and paining portrait pictures to appall; Made in an angry Anglo-American image on a racist recall; Wicked witchcrafts whipping WhitTie walls; Hatemongers lynching hanging living humans they halls; Enslaved Africoidians in the Americas I say truthfully to y’all; To summon total destruction and their terrorist down fall.__
Polarity Poem:
Yes I’ve made my distinction between truths and lies; The Whitexz opposing the wicked witch whipping WhitTies._ Those who I’ve deemed decreed divinely do dies; Due to the rapid increasing hot-heat that fatally fries; Cream colored cosmetic complexioned citizens cancer cells cries.__
.Next notes…

BLACK Branded brothers and soulful sisters, seeks their total liberation and full fledged freedom, from so self said; “Whites”. Autonomy, separation – segregation in societies. Blackened borders between, whitened, asinine ass angry Angloidian-Americans Al Qaida operatives, Who are all against Africaness attributes; anti-African-Americans, as blackness native national Negroes = Negroidians – “Niger” (Spanishs – Latin)

The exclusive – extremist “Blacks”; are determined to have their own Nation herein, the devilishly demonic divided dis-United States Satanic Slave Ship; as it slowly or suddenly sinks!
Originat-Org-One_color neg image 1500
Albeit, better beneficially bestowed blessed, BUTT, We’s & Us’s are Aboriginal Africoidians, Afrindians, AmeriAfrindians, as actualized; blue-blacks, browns, redbones, and high yellows. The Lights & The Darks.
Knowing how that we’re already amalgamated, aggregated, admixtures within the human bio-bodily beings, of our originating organic organisms; ORIGINAT=ORG-ONE-1! 
Name: Z-BLACKRAYZ Phantom-Phatom-Physics1 OriginatOrgOne1
URL:  http://blackrayz.wordpress.com/ 

They’re attempting to ‘Black-a-fy' everybody of Africa's ascent, wittingly or unwittingly, knowingly or unknowingly, intentionally or unintentionally. Yet as these modern day; “Black-a-Moors”; try to tell Africans in the USA; that they’re fearlessly fighting back against; “Racism White Supremacy” and “The White Terrorist Dominators”! Yes this is what they publicly proclaims and loudly say!

Nevertheless, wickedly, while making melaninated membranes members, who haveBrown coloration cosmetic complexions, “all Black”; this is their hidden agenda, ulterior motives. And at the very same time projecting another radicalized racist renegade rouge Reptilian Race Religion = The Black Supremacy Religiosity!
an heartbutt ass-4anima%20butterfly_4.gif
Authentic Africoidian Adults who’re more mature in their thinking, mental thoughts, are teaching their young children, all about their sexual natures. No longer letting them learn the hard headed knocks ways, out on the city streets, slum societies and sluts sections of inner-urban areas. Middle mainstream mothers and fathers, have come to the realization, that humankind, womankind and mankind, are all spiritual + sensual + sexualbio-bodily beings!

Feeling Full Fledged Flowing Flying Freedom of Artistic Expressions >>>>

Next notes…
YES: herein, the USA, “The Black Autonomy Federation”; fearlessly fights for full fledged freedom from, “Racism White Supremacy” Superiority Superpower Satanist Slavers. “administered under threats of violence and intimidation” by State & Federal US Government. And ‘The Black Militant Minded Men, Black Liberation Leaderships, demands independence and desires their own Sovereign States and Nation, hereon, the North Americas continent. Under One Hue-Main-Law + “International Laws”; Liberated from “The White Terrorist Dominators”, invidious – insidious institutionalized Religious RACISM. Accurately ascertained, as I have happily understood, artfully apprehended and completely comprehend!

“The United States has steadfastly supported the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Ukraine since it declared its independence in 1991, and we reject the “referendum” that took place today in the Crimean region of Ukraine,” a White House statement said.”

So why has these “Black Revolutionary Rebels”; not been heard loud and clear, before, all Hades hell flaming fires break loose, here at home in the devilishly demonic divided dis-United States of Angloidian America? And as an Aboriginal Africoidian ascendant of All Alpha-Alkebulan-Africa, autonomy I KNOW, is the only other option; for We’s & Us’s to be set fully “Free At Last”!!! Reveals + reports, Avatar Avenger AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD1 via COLOR KINGDOM NWCA.
 YAHOO Blog post: 3-16-2014.

YES: Big Bully, The devilishly demonic divided dis-United States Satanic Slavers ship suddenly sinks. Racially rejected the clean cultured “Crimea secession referendum Sunday” And alleging asinine a-s-s angry Angloidians as Americans, bluffs and bullies, “illegal and readied retaliatory penalties against Russia.” Deliberately distracting the African American people of color of Africoidian Aboriginal ascent. Westernized world warlocks, warlords, werewolves, warmonger wicked witchcraft WhitTies, “while shifting sights to deterring possible military advances elsewhere in Ukraine that could inflame the crisis.” Cause capital cash currency collapse, to criminal capitalists, colonialists, corporatist crooks, corrupt crazy CauCrazian Caucasoidians! Who’re going against clean cultured CaucAsians of Asia as Russians of Russia. Reports + reveals; COLORKINGDOM NWCA Avatar Avenger AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD1.

Next notes blog...
YES: ‘The BLACK White House released real racism, radicalized rationalized reasons, aimed against Russia‘s Crimea. In “a statement that said the vote was “administered under threats of violence and intimidation from a Russian military intervention that violates international law.”

And I vehemently agree to disagree, seeing how that herein, the USA, hundreds of thousands and even multimillions, more melaninated membrane members, Mexicans + Africans, are arrested, unconstitutionally. Consequently charged with felonies, compelling coercive confessions, criminally convicted through virtually; all Lilly White kangaroo courts, corruptly concocted crimes and conjured up by criminal CauCrazian capitalist-colonialist – corporatist crooks.
Helplessly held human hostages in hell holes, isolation confinement, for 10 - 20 -30 - 40 years. Terrorized, tissue traumatized, tormented, tortured. By Racist White Supremacist, Slaver Satanist of Superpower Superiority. Evil enemy Eu-Rope-an eugenicist executioners. Prosecutor politicized predatory profiteers, producing privatized prison plantations, imprisoning, entrapping - enslaving Africans in America, people of coloration cosmetic complexions, of Africa’s ascent. Doing so under illegal and unlawful asinine a-s-s angry American-Angloidians adversarial activities. In gross violation of “International Law” and of The United Nations Charters. Committing Crimes Against Mother NatureEarth’s holistic healthy HUE-MAINITY!

Therefore it is high time, ticking away right on schedule, as clockwork, Counting Down To Armageddon’s Prophetic Holy World War-III = 3. A blessing in surreptitious disguise to set the entrapped - enslaved captive free, unto the perfect Hue-Main-Law of liberty! Reports + reveals, COLOR KINGDOM NWCA + Avatar Avenger AmeriAfrican ArtistCHD1.
[Yahoo Blog Posted News Report, ref. 3-16-2014Lhttp://www.cnn.com/2014/03/16/world/europe/ukraine-crisis/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 ]
“This referendum is contrary to Ukraine’s constitution, and the international community will not recognize the results of a poll administered under threats of violence and intimidation from a Russian military intervention that violates international law.”

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