Monday, May 30, 2016


MOTHER EARTH: = Planetary Sphere. SHE bared - birth biological bodily beings, baby born bloodlines, better beneficially bestowed blessed birthright. 
EARTHORS - EARTHORIANS - EARTHOID-IANS: = each existing entity and everybody's Ethnicity. 

Howsoever, y'all simply just look up above at an acclimated accumulated, amalgamated and aggregated artwork. An atomic and atmospheric anatomy and autonomy.
Global-World-Nations: gathered together back into one organic organism, optical object, orbiting operations and organizations. 
SAPIENSOULS: Sapiens Species, Science Specimens; and Sovereign Solar Sexus Souls
Hue-Mainoid-ians, humanoids, humans, humanity, humankind. Inclusively, Hue-Mains, Hue-Main-Kind, Hue-Mainity and Hue-Main-Rayz(s) vs "Race". 
Dr. Henrick Clarke, reminds us about adjectives vs nouns; "Negroes - Coloreds and Blacks"; bogus bible based belief, blatantly bias - bigoted - badly broadcast bastardized blacken bitchcraft! 
"Taj Tarik Bey Schools Dr. Reggie On Moorish Science" post-publish July 3, 2016.
The Center Carbon Core Creation Cradle; complete consolidation, came and comes to be named in a geographic location of man made maps, as Africa. Adding an advancing ascension as; All Alpha-Alkebulan-AfricAspora +  AmericAfricAspora and AmericAfricAsiAspora!!!!
BLACKSOULS; True thinkers, telling the total truths 100% positive proved + prehistorically proved planetary peopled populaces = PREHOLISTORY & Prehistoric Persons. Holistic healthy Hue-Mains = Hue-Mainity and Huemainoidians. Yes Y'all Yo, I'm talking all about humanoids of humanity and humankind's HOLISTORY HERITAGE HEALTH * HOLISTIC HEALING.
"Free At Last": By Beauteous BlackSoul Prehistory vs bogus "Black History". Full fledged financed freedoms from falsifications - famous frauds, foolish faith followers, faker "founding fathers"; fundamentally faulty family foundations. Freed from foreign fighting forces!
Righteously restoring Ra's rational reasoning vs repressive - regressive religious rationales. Ridiculous "racialist" and "racist" religiosity. Rightly replaced by reality's royal rich resourceful Ra-ligiosity. 
KNOW NOW: No necessitated needs; for "Useless Eaters"; foolish faith following feeders. Basically because, We've truly transitioned into today's Talented-Technologies = TECHTRONICS-1. Advancing animation: Equals - efficiently evolve electronics; evolutionary elevated ecology, enhanced economy = excelled EcoEnergystics-1! 
Technological teaching and training, of holistic healthy humans = biological bodily beings, by better beneficial bestowed baby born bloodlines, bearing blessed birthrights. 
Unfortunately: approx. amounting and accounting about, 88% to 90%; of our overall planetary peopled population; plummets and purged. Directly due to them permitting themselves to be psychologically + physiologically poisoned. Privately - publicly + personally pre-programmed puppets, purposely planned pseudo-psychology. Producing pathology and prejudicial psychopaths. Popping potently poisonous psychotropic pharmaceutical prescription pills. Plaques and pollution!! 
Fortunately: Another approx. about; 10% to 12%; are righteously redeemed and Divine Decreed Delivered. They consciously chose to recognize, acknowledge and accept, Aboriginals and Africoidians; are actualized atmospheric and atomic Arthiest Actionaries. As America's and Africa's ascendants = AmericAfricAspora. 
Indubitably Inhabited: Indelibly innate - intrinsic, individual indwelling, BLACKSOULS. So solemnly said, Sovereign Solar Sexus Souls, surely saved = Salvation. Showing superficial surface sunshine skin shades-sheen = Blackskins & Brownskins & Pinkskins.
In other plain-o-simplified sayings: A major mainstream mass numbers of majority and minority melaninated members, light and dark tissue tones - tans - tints. As a mandatory must, be maimed - mutilated, massacred and murdered. All adverse attached adjectives as affectations and aberrations. commonly called "Colored" Crayolas and crayon colors. (whites and blacks). Those who've accepted and embraced unearthly, uncivilized, invidious inhuman indoctrination. Also; artificially added acronyms and attributes, as tags and labels and black-branded-bondage! {Improper persons vs proper pronouns + nouns}
Sociopath Sex Slavers: subservient submissive slaves, serially - systemically - systematically killed. Effectively eliminated - exterminated out of existence; into extinction!!!
Expressly, everybody's existing Ethnicity, allowing and letting themselves to be termed the "white race" and the "black race"; blue - brown - red -yellow; "races". Commonly called - categorized and classified as a: "Human Race". The very initiated start and bogus beginnings of the tong twisted terminology: "racialism" and "racism"; requiring realized; "racialists" and "racists"!!!
Johann Friedrich Blumenback: Pearly pink paleface Pinkskin primate-man; was a German physicist, scientist, supremacist, and anthropologist,  "racialist"; "racists" researcher (May, 11, 1752 - January 22, 1840) Categorizing - classifying the ["homo"-hetero] Sapiens Species-Science Specimens, as a "RACE" of "Human Races". "The black race" and "the white race", etc. Now today there're those thoughtlessly terming themselves, nonhuman, nonexistent biological bodily beings; "blacks and whites". And effectually abandoning their Natural Rights - Human Rights and Baby Born Bloodlines Birthrights. Do y'all still wonder why we're living in a failed state, and a fatally falling system of things?
YO-YES-Y'ALL: in THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH: "This Is A Failed System". And "The Correction Is Locked In Place." Thus "The U.S. is Corrupt to the Highest Levels!!"= And there's no real recovery, return "To Make America Great Again!!" 'Racially' regardless of what: President Donald John Trump For The United States Of Anglo-America's "Corporation Company"; confesses - contends as Commander In Chief!!!
'Free Thinkers': Therefore, We's & U's have/has happily, retrieved, restored, reinstalled and reinstated righteous reciprocity; of our one only originating organisms; holistic healthy humanity-humankind;  No longer permitting ourselves to be branded "blacks"; nor whitewashed "whites"!! = period. 
OUR USAA+PROMISE LANDS: = THE UNIFIED STATUTES OF AMERICA AND AFRICA!!= All amalgamated and aggregated Americans and Africans. Actively acquiring actual assets and accruing affluence = $$$ Authentically authorized ancient ancestry, appointed and anointed artistry.
AfricAspoar_colorAfricAspoar_color neg image
View very closely the contours and outlines of the portrait presentation of panorama pyramidal phenomena. Producing a perfectly planned planet and positively portraying PanorAfricAspora. 

Prehistorical Powerful Phantom-Phatom Physics-1! 
Phantom Physics_color 1500Phantom Physics_color neg image 1500
I've intuitively invented, instinctively innovated, intelligently imagined and envisioned: how HER Holistory Heritage, had healthy humans.
HUMAN LIFE MATTERS vs "BLACK LIVES MATTER" vs "ALL LIVES MATTER"; Movement Morons. Man made manufactured militant mindsets. Molded by multimillionaire George Soros; so said supremacist - sadist - sexist - satanist. He has happily plugged politicized persons, Brownskins & Blackskins & Pinkskins, into the mass majority mainstream media marketed madness, mesmerized mentality of the Mastermind Maze Matrix. And Unplugged away from or out of our originating organisms, real world, MOTHER MAATRIX
HUMANOID-IANS: = Humanity and humankind and also as holistic humans, biological bodily beings baby born bloodlines better beneficially blessed birthright. 
Females + Males, Women + Men; Girls + Boys; exhibiting each Ethnic entity, gender and sex. Two-legged upright walking hominids, Sapiens Species, Science Specimens.  
NO, not at all, does "All Lives Matter". That's an oxymoron opinion and politicized point of view. For excellent examples; flies, ants, mosquitos, and scorpions - spiders, snails-slugs, insects, bugs, worms, maggots, reptiles as snakes, lizards, alligators and crocodiles, are killed unmercifully. Plus+ plants have/has life and lives upon planet Maatrix Mother Nature Earth
YES: Surely yawls can add a lots more meaningful living creatures to this long-list. Therefore, what we're indeed doing, is strictly stating and specifically saying, Human Life Matters; as opposed to the bogus belief; "Black Lives Matter"!
Indubitably: In fact of reality and actuality, attached adjectives as colors aren't actual humans; namely nouns. (social sinister scientists engineered organisms and mentally modified mindsets) And never can possibly be bio-body beings, baby born; "blacks", nor "whites"; nor a "black race" or "white race"; blue - brown - red - yellow "races". This total told truth 100%+ positive proofed-proved planetary presence, is a serious scientific study. And not what one wantonly wish to bible base believe and think in terms of; ridiculously radicalized "racialist" religious rationales!
Inbred Inhumanity and invidious insanity, is our one and only obscene, objectionable offense, violent acts of aggression engaged against all Humanity's Humankind, all around our optically orbiting, Global-World-Nations!!!

MAAT Matriarch + Patriarch_male+Female

BLACKLAW: Commands; CIVIL-GUERRILLA-RACEWAR= Urban-Race-Riots & Civil War!!= America At Guerrilla Warfare!!
YEAH YAWLS: I've imagined and envisioned, that a surreptitious setup and staged situations so seriously severed, is being purposely plotted + planned = Predatory Politician Perpetrators!
Sociopath Sex Slavers, suffering some severe superpower superiority satanic sickness syndromes. do not need to care in the minutest least, all about human lives. That's the politicized posed problem!
Thereby, they're formulating Evil Conspiracies, coalition cahoots collusion, among another. And are arrogant acting aggressors, asinine a-s--s angry Aryan-Ashkenazim Anglo Americans. Afrophobic and Afriphobic antagonist adversaries and alien agencies. Ant- Aboriginal Africoidians and as alleged and assumed; 'Afro-African Americans, America's and Africa's ascendants!
Namely nationalized negative Neanderthal Neo-Nazis; those termed, thus terming themselves the; "Racists" and "Supremacist". Of obscene - objectionable and offensive; "Racism White Supremacy" and "The White Terrorist Dominators". (Dr. Francis Cress Welsing, Dr. Nelly Fuller Jr. and Dr. Kamau Kambon...2016)
Moreover, these terrestrial transgressors, thus territorial trespassers, are the truest thugs - tyrants - treasonous traitors of tactical terrorism; traveling the terrains; terrorizing - traumatizing, tormenting and torturing tender tissues. Throughout these testing trials and tribulations. Today's Transitional Timetables 2016.
They can and will start up some silly stupid stuffs, like plant somebody inside various groups, carry concealed firearms, handguns of sorts. Signal them to shot in the direction of city-county cops. Police patrols participating in the protests as protectorates. Marching along side and with disgruntled demonstrators and even leading "The Black Lives Matter" & All Lives Matter" movement morons. And at which terrifying time, the cops panic and becomes; hideously hysterical and hostilely hateful!
Rightly remembering the so said sneaky "sniper" who shot and 12 and killed 5 Dallas, Texas police officers. Now on evil edge and scared and forthright fearing for their own lives; they overreact. By returning fire, back at the marchers of various local civic organizations, Christian church congregations. 
Those truly expressing their First Amendment Right To Freedom Of Speech. Not Second Amendment Right To Own And Bear Firearms, handguns - assault riffles and any warfare weaponry. Yet unfortunately many misled and misguided mindless American citizens, shall surely get/git caught up in human hatred and hostile Hades hell flaming fires = satanic shellfire!
My personal and private perspectives and point of views, are to stay far away from anybody artificially appearing to be militants. And or not even and ever joining these disturbed demonstrations of mass marchers, unless, you're willing and ready to be killed or to kill!! Do or die!!
CIVIL WAR this truly is: nothing to be foolishly fooling around with, playing prejudicial party politics. Stay safely and securely at home, bearing your rightful handguns and shotguns inside the house or apartment. We's & Us's have Human Rights, Under National & International Laws, thus to defend and protect ourselves, by "all means necessary"!
Urban-Race-Riots & Civil War!!= America At Guerrilla Warfare!!

DAMNED DEVIL'S DEMONS: Don't give me; "blacks and whites"; and tell me they're human bio-bodily beings. Likewise, don't teach me about adjectives, then tell me they are nouns. 
YES Y'ALL: We's & Us's now know how human hate history = His-Story vs Our-Story of Prehistory and planetary peopled populaces. Right off bat, online media, expressly the Alex Jones Show - Infowars intellectual masturbating melanin-less members, audio-video-taped at Charleston protester proclaiming publicly: "All White People Are Devils"! Really? Are there any Black Devils and destructive Demons?
Reporters Joe Biggs & Paul Joseph Watson & Lie-Lee Ann McKadoo; seeing all Americans in "blacks and whites". Are Afrophobics and Afriphobics, afraid of all 'Afro-African Americans' and Aboriginal Africoidians. And actually they're the asinine a-s-s aggressors, arrogant angry Aryan-Ashkenazim Angloidian-Americans. Anti-America's and Africa's ascendants!
Supposed To Be Matured Grownups; Their national narratives, namely news narrators = negative Neanderthal Neo-Nazis= notorious Naggers, niggardly nagging nationalized "Negroes" of negritude.Yes yawls, "Negro" and "black" are interchangeable, in fact, one in the very same Caucasians Caucasoidians Christian color coded curses, criminalizing "Citizens of Color". Correctly called cosmetic coloration complexions.

'Racialist'; Reporters rhetorically reinforcing "The Black Codes"; each time they term somebody else's Ethnicity, an attached adjective, as affectations and aberrations. Anyways  Alex, is immature - inhumane - insane, as an adjective addicted antagonist adversary and alien agency!
PINKSKINS: perpetrators perpetuating politicized problems; Particularly, pearly pink paleface profiteers + predators. Purposely playing prejudicial party politics. = Pirate piranha!
Correctly called - classified and categorized: crazy CauCrazians; Colorblind cowards constantly complaining; crying capitalists and criminally corrupt colonialists. Always acting and pretending that they don't visually see, with crystal clear clarity: citizens of the USA; having BROWNSKIN = superficial surface skin. And also artificially appearing as a very rare breed bearing, BLACKSKIN.
THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH: Those terming themselves the, "white race" and somebody else's Ethnicity, the, "black race". are the very ones who has historically, and presently today, causing concurrent combustible civic conflicts. Conscious confusions and conscientious chaos, citywide - countywide - countrywide, crisscross continental contaminating CONTAGIONS!
Rational Reasoning vs Religious Rationales: the colors black and white are no Humanoidians, they're inhuman, as adjectives and not nouns nor pronouns. Therefore, adjective addict Alex Jones and crazed CauCrazian crew, don't know their 8 parts of speech, in which, they should have learned, by the 3rd grade grammar - grade school studies. Yet spokespersons, spokesmen and spokeswomen, stays stuck stupidly, saying silly stuffs!
HUMAN LIFE MATTERS: Furthermore, there're no "human race"; thus then, there're no individual "races". Not blue - black - red - brown - yellow - white; "racial" groups. And not until assumed and alleged adults, cease calling citizens Crayola colors and "Colored" crayons: this corporate country can and, will remain radically "racists" = Religions Reptilian Race; reinforcing "RACISM!
Definitively Concluding: Wexz & Usxz, are SAPIENS SPECIES, SCIENCE SPECIMENS. Hue-Mainity or of humanity of humankind and having human-rights. Biological baby born blessed birthrights! 

?WHITE! Lives Matter Motion!!= WHITEWASH = White-Wizardry + Whitewashed Wicked Witchcraft! "Colored" White!!=White Colors = Melanin-less Minority-Majority Members, Whitish and Whited. Basically because baby born biological bodily beings, birthright = bone-white!
YES Y'ALL; I ask the key questions; are human skeleton bones alive - living or dead - deceased? What percentage of our human skeletal structures do bones represent, constitute and comprise? Are bones the color black/blackish - gray/grayish or white/whitish??
Well, how upon planet Maatrix Mother Nature Earth, could/can a Humanoid-ian, having the universal color red blood and white bones be branded "black"? How does our superficial surface skin, bluish - blackish - brownish - reddish - yellowish - whitish and pinkish, make us less than wholehearted holistically healthy humans of humanity and of humankind?   _ =
Yeah yawls, We's & Us's are surely seeing some satanic sinister science, warmongers wizardry waged with whitewash wicked witchcraft. Politicized pseudo-psychology, poisoning + polluting people's psychologies producing psychotic personalities = psychopaths. Those termed thus terming themselves the" white race" and the "black race"; blue - brown - red - yellow "races". = ridiculous religious rationales, "racially" repressive and  radically regressive!
I've made it abundantly apparent as artificial attributes and only a partial - percentage of persons and planetary people's populaces. Positively + = - negatively, portraying photo-picture presentations, showing skeletal structures of our originating organisms, bio-bodily beings, with crystal clear clarity = correctly and concisely and conclusively! 
CIVIL WARFARE; is the direct and indirect results, of our persistent perpetration and purposed perpetuation of demoralizing - demonizing - dehumanizing, red blooded white boned biological body beings. Deliberately depriving human-rights and better beneficially blessed baby born birthrights!

Urban-Race-Riots & Civil War!!= America At Guerrilla Warfare!!
coming soon >>>
Primary Planet Poem:
Love Goddess Mother Nature EarthShe’s the planetary sphere giving Wexz & Usxz baby born birth; Our originating organic oceanic sea salt sand surf; True terrestrial talented territorial turf.__
"The Mi Grid"? Is what Wexz & Usxz, crisscrossed certain continents, in which, at the time were small streams, rushing rivers, wide waterways. Melaninated majority members - migrants = Migridians - Mooridians - Moorindians and also as, Amoorindians. Indigenous Inhabitants (Indians = Indies, indi-viduals, indi- ans, indi-visible) As one planetary people. (pedigree and bloodlines)
HOLISTORY HERITAGE HEALTH; Helping Heal Holistic Humanoidians, humanity - humankind. YES Y'ALL: We's & Us's, know now necessitated needs, noteworthy new knowledge. Nationalized names needed, and as alleged and assumed, 'Afro-African Americans', "Negroes - blacks - Coloreds", Moors, "People of Color"; so forth and so on accordingly. 
Therefore, I've intelligently invented and intuitively - instinctively innovated; independent indigenous inhabitants; inclusively, "Indians". I'm only called - chosen - commissioned courageously, saving sovereign Solar Sexus Souls = BLACKSOULS. true brothers and soulful sisters, amounting and account approx. about 10% to 12%. Righteously redeemed and; Divine Decreed Delivered-Declared Deliberated!!!
Additionally, another approx. about, 88% to 90% are on the own, neither my mastermind melanin messiah members. They belong to somebody else's Ethnicity = evolving energy entity, even evilly evolved enemies. Incorrigible, hard headed, stubbornly staying stuck stupidly. Not of our original First Foremost Family Flock = Familyians!
HEROES History, happening righteously today, throughout these Transitional Timetables 2016 - 2017. Particularly primary present period vs prehistory's peopled presence. Plus+ private persons publicly playing prejudicial party politics. Their portrait picture photos are still in the processes to be positively posted, sooner or later. For financial free=$$$
As Avatar Avenger AmericAfindian ArtistCHD1, and as an Arthiest Actionary. Advancing Art-Title-Land, ArtTitleLandian. 
What I've depicted by digital design, are those termed the truest, Heroes. Melanin Messiahs, Mastermind Moor Teachers, telling the total truths 100% positive proofed + proved prosperous = $$$
I am not concerned in the minutest least about aged old obsolete objectives or outdated others, whosoever, they may/might be?! So what's up? Really what's down? Certainly it's all about you and not them!
Wexz & Usxz are interested in the talented teacher Taj Tariq Bey = BLACKSOUL Brother. And assuredly, I did not say, "black brother". And this is exactly why I included him as a dark tissue toned, superficial surface Brownskin biological bodily being; baby born bloodlines birthright. One individual who is always acting against the tong twisted terminology the: "black Americans"; "black Africans"; "the black man and black woman"; "black people"; etc., etc., etc.
Howsoever, this truly do not make me Moorish. yet in part, I am an Amoorindian. Amalgamated American + Asian + African ancestrally and anciently. As admixture artificial appearing attributes!
Thereby, Taj Tariq Bey, is the true Leader of original organic, Moorland and as Moorlandians + Moorishians and much more. Many millions melaninated minority-majority; militarized minded members - marchers. Moreover, make Moor-Money, Moorlanders Laws - Legalities - Legislation!
Now Next Needed Notes: Nationalists, namely niggardly Naggers, naysayers, negative N...words of Negritude needlessly nagging. Nationalized "Negroes" of Negroland & Blackland. Yes yawls, Negrolandians and Blacklandians. And namely, their truest Leader Sa Neter and Black-News TV. Some say, "Sa-Satan"! So what it's all good gravy and bad beliefs!

Nevertheless, We's & Us's can't all get/git along. (Rodney Kind). And are truly trying to get/git fully free from each other or one another. Somebody who may/might just simply look like you indeed do. The sick sociopath suicidal self is the serial killer!
Therefore lets everybody's existing Ethnicity, Rayzial or "Racial Group"'; go our own way. Decisively divide, separate and segregate into sectional societies seeking solitary sovereignty! 
Righteously removed-remotely, far away from the Sociopath Sex Slavers, supremacy superiority superpower sinking slave ships, and sadist - sexist - supremacist - socialist - satanist System SATAN!!!
Furthermore, forthcoming financial funds, "fiat", and capital cash currency = $$$, as a mandatory must mean money; put where one's motor mouth is. All y'all Blacklans, Blackologists and Blacklanologists, deposit dollars in your, Black-Banks! Build black businesses = $$$ "black conscious communities", spend and "buy black" = BUTT BEWARE!
 COLORAYLAND: = COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts, absolutely agrees, as aforementioned above artistic assessment, accurately ascertained apology; and astutely articulated acknowledgement, and acceptance. As accelerating affluence, accruing assets = $$$
ARTTITLE = ARTTITLELAND: Arthiest Actionaries, activating atomic and atmospheric activities. As Aboriginal Africoidians. America's and Africa's ascendants, advancing Arch Angel Ark Anchor, ANKH ALAHYM ATUM-ATOM-AMEN!!!  +   
YES Y'ALL: Today traveling through these Transitional Timetables 2016: My militarized mission is a mandated must mindset, spiritually shoot to kill via THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH; all Afrophobic and Afriphobic; antagonist adversaries and ailing agents! 
We's & Us's are holistic healthy humanoid-ians.
Regardless of whosoever, they think that they are, it matters in the minutest least. They're termed the BLACKBANDITS of the BLACKLAN:
DIVINE DECREED DEATH & DEMISE: Furthermore, each and every single one of the ring leaderships, wanna-be-black leaders, has/have been repeatedly advised - admonished, carefully cautioned and wisely warned. Intelligently informed by intellectual peers of their own ages and educational levels of understanding and comprehension. Therefore, they have no sorry excuses and apathetic alibis, to think that they're the "black race" vs the "white race"!!
PURIFY + PURGE: It's a mandatory must that we's and us's, actually amputate and cut them off of our healthy holistic human biological bodily being. No more questions asked and answers given, thus to compel compliance and force them to Stop-Point-Blank-Period. Poisoning and polluting the public people's psychological perspectives and personal perceptions, plaguing the planet MOTHER NATURE EARTH!!!
"The Madrid system (officially the Madrid system for the international registration of marks) is the primary international system for facilitating the registration of trademarks in multiple jurisdictions around the world. Its legal basis is the multilateral treaty Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks of 1891, as well as the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement (1989)"
Remember Y'all to take Notes vs Votes: The narrators is an activated "Agent" and an asinine -a-s-s antagonist adversary, advocating and advancing an Alien Agency!
He or slick shyster she is attempting to make melaninated minority - majority members, mistakenly believe and think that they're the "black race": "black Africans"; "black Americans", "black people" and "black" bio-bodily beings. Best better beware!
THE BLACKLAN: These treacherous tricksters are taught these tong twisted terminologies, then teach them to you and me, in high hopes of misleading and misguiding our minds. They're thought terrorists trying to trick Wexz & Usxz into their religious rationales and bogus bible based blacken beliefs. Devilishly deceptive demons and deceitful dogmas and liars lived godmas!! 


Speaking specifically and stating strictly for myself, I crossed over various VegePlanTerRain, during prehistory. Terrestrial transitional timetables, traveling through territories, tough terrains. Meaning mountains and steep hills, valleys and over rolling planes - plains + plateaus, and planetary plates.
YES YAWLS: The green grounds grassroots growths, spread everywhere and everyplace upon the planet. The point of origins, grew and creatively evolved each existing Ethnicity. 
Our last legal identity and Nationality name was recorded and documented as us being Moors or Moroccans. According the Melanin Messiah Mastermind Moor teacher Taj Tariq Bey. Thus there's no arguing and debating and disputing these true facts. Like them or not!
Howsoever, I've gone far back into our physical presences of prehistory as planetary people + proliferating populaces. None of these terms, nationalized names, actually applies. Africa's and Asia's and America's ancient ancestry and anointed artistry, is well written in my RNA Mitochondria-DNA CODES. (Cosmic Codification)
Another wiser wittier way worded with worldwide wisdom, is simply to say, I have a breathing living red blood bio-bodily being baby born - bloodline birthright by a; REDSPIRIT and a BLACKSOUL

I'm indeed a BlackSoul-Man, and absolutely not a "black man"!!= I'm a BROWNSKIN not a BLACKSKIN!! (strictly sating and specifically saying, superficial surface skin-status)
To to truly try and understand, artistically apprehend and completely comprehend, precisely what I am talking all about, go to this posted blog; Blackosmology - Blackemistry

Yes y'all listen up closely to the YouTube posting below my messages and narratives. The spokesperson says that the term "Moors" was given to them by outsiders, other people and as Europeans. commonly called Caucasians. And didn't ever have an "Moorish Empire"; in Africa and Asia and America.
Likewise, those term this..., was caught as captives of the invading Arabs (hybrid-humans). And were always subservient slaves, under the leaderships of Islamic Muslims - Muhammadans - Mullahs = militaristic mean mad men!
Moreover, he says that no such said, Moors exited in continental Africa, not east or west, north or south, during B.C.E. And that they entered during A.D. or A.C.E. approx. about 776 or so, time periods. 
The Roman Empire existed during the 2nd - 3rd - 4th - 5th centuries B.C. And nobody inhabited the land now named Morocco during the 1st century B.C.E. Only dark blackish-brown-skinned Aboriginal Africoidians, as nomads roamed these hot arid desserts!
Allegedly and assuming; 'an art figurine is a black-a-Moor' and "a servant", he says. And that "The Prophet Noble Drew Ali...mislead" and misguided the people. Ether knowingly or unknowingly!

"Moors Vs Morocco: Why Do American Moors Claim Morocco? (DEBATE) Lord Abba Vs Chief X"
COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts and The New World Ordain Order, originates our official objectives and organic organisms and organizations. Our owned originality!
BLACKLAW: Governs and trumps all other lower LAWS, Including Nature's Natural Laws. It is Supreme - Superior + Spiritually Sublime. Why? Basically because the Cosmic Color Celestial Constellations; are atomic-atmospheric activities as: BLACK = BLACKOSMOS
Since there's so much controversy, conscious confusions and cognizant conflicts and conscientious chaos; I've co-created other optimized options = other official objectives. 
First and foremost of all, no Eurocentric elements - experts, Anglo-American authors, historians, book writer and propaganda publishers, determines my personal and private identity. Likewise, no alleged and assumed Afrocentric scholar, whosoever, they may/might be, dictates to me who and what I am. 
When I was a young baby boy, my American English speaking parents, mother and father, gave me the nationalized names that I now have beholden. Fine and dandy, so be it, baby born bloodline birthright blessed.
Howsoever, in spite of any type trading treaties, between those termed the Moors and Europeans, matters and mean anything to my Melanin Messiah Master Mind. Whatsoever kinds of commerce contract agreements, about my bio-bodily beings are bogus bible based beliefs. Frauds, fictions, folklore's famous fairy-tales. Nobody, upon any one of our optical continents, countries can claim and or capture nor contain, my holistic Humanoid-ian identity. Indubitably, Holistory Heritage Health.
Under the illegal and unlawful Jurisdictions of evilly evolved Europeans exiting early Europe and Eurasia, equals = evil empire enemy entities, Eu-Rope-ans, Eu-Romans!
Thus therefore their Federalized Constitution, City-County and States and Republic; of the alleged and assumed United States of America, are also, fakes and fraudulent "founding fathers"!
Moreover, whosoever they term themselves, the Moors, Native Americans, Asians, Africans; that formed military men of warfare, to go out and capture other tribes - clans - citizens of countries, continents, centralizing civilizations, families, are of a criminal Culpable cause of corruptions, concurrently charged guilty!
Therefore, not only is the Sociopath Sex Slavers satanic system, sailing slave ships suddenly sinking. So shall some sneaky snakes, seafaring serpents, scorpions and stinging spiders, sink. So that they can no longer reshape sinister sciences and sorcerers spiderwebs. Successfully stopped = self-suicides!
The worldly warfare weaponry they've devised and designated against Aboriginal Africoidians, as Africa's and America's ascendants, are aimed at themselves termed the "white race". Taking down with them those termed the "black race"; blue - brown - red - yellow "races" = Good riddance!
One truer thing that I do indeed_KNOW_ that I am not "black"; nor a "black man" nor "black person". Sound and sane sensibilities says so. Scientifically seen showing the true human-hues, cosmetic coloration complexion, of my biological bodily being = basic BROWNSKIN.
YES Y'ALL: I need no high-school, college and university educations. Elementary 1st - 2n - 3rd grade school studies, thoroughly teaches thus taught me/us our 8 to 9 parts of speech. And there's no confusions and conscious conflicts about adjectives and nouns and pronouns, verbs - adverbs, prepositions, interjections, conjunctions... ?
They're the bottom basic building blocks to the English language, orally spoken and words written. Well within wiser wittier worldwide wisdom!
Long-lasting leadership lessons, and anybody terming themselves, or other humans, Crayola colors, "colored" crayons are crazy. Institutionally insane, invidiously inhumane, insidiously inhuman! 
Those terming themselves the "blacks" has inherited the chemistry of conscious of their former and present Sociopath Sex Slave masters. Regardless of who they say that they are as, Muslims-Muhammadans of Islam, Christians of Christianity, Jews of Jewish Judaism, they've sold their Sovereign Solar Sexus Souls out as holistic healthy humans, better beneficial bestowed bloodline baby born blessed birthrights. Baring none, and giving nobody a ritual right of private passage and personage pass!
Treasonous Traitors: These taught treacherous tricksters, slick soulless shysters; can study all of our prehistory and history that they wantonly wish, and acquire awards and accolades and it still does not necessarily matter. Making audio-visuals, deceptive documentaries and posting them on YouTube, don't impress me at all. Basically because, each and every time one says "black man" and "black woman"; "black people", etc. It alerts and alarms my Melanin Messiah Master Mind and militarized mindset. It's warfare weaponry words of wicked witchcraft, waging war with westernized wizardry!
Furthermore, wexz and usxz in our righteous minds, no longer lets and allows Aryan-Ashkenazim-Anglo America, define what it means to be "black" and or "white". Whatsoever so said "status"; inferior and superior supposed to be societies, is now dismissed, deleted, denounced and dejected!
BLACKLAW, topples and trumps the "Black Law's Dictionary". Regardless of what volumes 4 and 5 satanically states. Such sinister statutes and illegal laws written in words by Eurocentric lawmakers, is objectionable, old outdated obsolete offenses! 
Therefore, no more meaningless arguments, heated debates, disruptive disputes and destructive discussions, need to continue causing combustible civic conflicts. And among anybody as America's & Africa's ascendance!


NO; absolutely not: We's & Us's do not need "Black Liberation" liabilities, in order to be set fully financially freed from failures. Our humanity-humankind is at stakes, not our 'blackness'. Actually Afro-African Americans are beauteous BROWN skinned societies, who's black? who's white? Who's a "Race"? = Absolutely Nobody!

Speaking specifically-strictly so solemnly said, I am an Aboriginal Africoidian ancendant!
Not a "descendant" of anybody ancient and ancestral. Regardless of names and nationalities, countries and customs, I AM THAT I AM AMOORINDIAN! Avatar Avenger AmericAfrindian ArtistCHD1.
Ancient Ascendancy: An actualized antiquity, authentically authorized, appointed ancestry and anointed artistry.
"Most of us certainly feel the pain of the conquest intent, and most of us say we wish to do something about it, to be in the struggle for change.  However, continuing to call each other "Black People", and to fight for rights for "Black" people is really a hypocrisy, and gets us no closer to resolution.  BLACK PEOPLE HAVE NO RIGHTS! because it identifies one as being outside of the human family.  All trust is placed upon one's foremothers and forefathers."
Wealthy womanhood’s witty wisdom worthy worship; Seafaring Solar Sexus Soul sailing ship; Wrathful weather with wild winds whirling whipLove Life Light Locks lipDivinely decreed deliberated deep deified dip; Some sane sound sensible savory sip; Her healthy Holistory heritage high heavenly hip._
YES YAWS: HUEMAIN HOLISTORY: Human Heritage Health + HEALING: PREHISTORY Planetary People's Presence. Prehistoric population. Butt baby born bio-bodily beings, blessed birthright  better beware: "Black History" Myth = Mythology - Mytholigion = Historical Human Hatred, Hideous Hostiles Hades Hell  = History = His-Story vs Our-Story!!
Afro-African American and Alboriginal Africoidians Ancient Ancestry...America & Africa. 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9_ ArtistCHD1*2016  +
AMERICAUCASIANS + AFRICAUCASIANS: Aboriginal Africoidians - Albinoriginals!! Amalgamated and Aggregated Admixtures. All Americans and Africans acclimated - accumulated artistic attributes and actualized affluence. 
Americanations & Africanations; as an all and in all association and attached affiliation!
We's & Us's; are a perplexing people, persons plus+ Per-Suns = sovereign solar sexus souls, via SOLARSUN System. And of our originating organisms, cosmic-creative-chemistry-concurring circuitry, culminating cosmetic coloration complexions. +
YES YAWLS: this is what that consolidated concept comprises: An American + an African + an Asian = Cauc-Asians. 
Meaning that the commonly called Caucasoid-ian is of or out of the cold climate Caucasus cages, mountainous territorial terrestrial terrains. Charactistically Caucasians seems to like climbing up mountains, steep hills and cliffs. 
They eventually exited early Eurasia and came back into their originating first family fold of Humanoid-ians. As Aboriginal Africoidians and Albinoriginals. 
The Nationalized Negroid-ians and in Latin language-Spanish-Portugese, perceptibly "black" means the very same; cosmic color and adjective, as opposed to being a name-noun.
The Mutated Mongoloid-ians are also admixtures. Haplo-hybrid humans of a high yellow superficial surface skin. 
The perceptibly pink pigmented planetary people +plus, everybody else's Ethnicity, (not "race"), is a scientific study and biological bodily being baby born basic blended brown
Thus therefore, the deep-depth-darkest; tissue tones, integrated - intermixed with the lightest tissue tints, producing photon positive proofed, tans. The Lights and the Darks!
There are no living humans upon planet Mother Nature Earth, the adjective color black, nor white. All bio-bodily beings have universal-parallels, manifested materialized matter makeups, expressly, red blood, bone-white + flesh-fat, clear water. And one's artificial appearing pigmentation only encompasses the superficial skin surface!
Now next Note vs Vote: All of those living herein the USA, calling themselves "black" African "descendants"; don't really recognize their own originating diversity. Cultural complexity, and perceptible perplexity.
So some of Wexz & Usxz, wonder all around looking like a little this - that or the other. Everybody else's existing Ethnicity. Never knowing that they; are us and we, are them.
Phrenology, the shapes of persons heads - lips - eyes - nose - ears, etc. Are all amalgamated as admixtures, attributing to their artificial appearances. OK y'all?
Afrocentric activists always alleges, assumes and accuses the Caucasian males/men, of robbing, raping African-ian females/women. And they think that this is why we're light and dark skinned societies. Butt, that's not totally true!
Therefore, through their own words, acknowledgements and acceptances, then likewise, are Americans and Africans as; AmeriCaucasians + AfriCaucasians!!
I Am Avatar Avenger AmericAfrindian ArtistCHD1. All that is and was and will ever be, period.
Nevertheless, howsoever, here comes the commonly called "conscious community"; a conference collection of citizens of color: in theory-thought, Nationalized "Negroes" - N...words + "Colored People"; participating in a bio-body black-a-fa-cation
Top tier thinkers, studied scholars, historians, anthropologists n - archaeologists, educators - lecturers, narrators-commentator - moderators and professors. Doctorate degrees, celebrated college certificates, acquired at various universities of higher learning; presumptuously!
Wantonly wishing we would pay them to tell us how "black" we are. A penny price that none of us can really afford, fleeced financially = $$$ Reality?!


Humanity = Humankind!!
ADVERSITIES ACTIVATED: As A Direct And Indirect And Approximated Results: irrational religious rationales vs Raligious rational reasoning. 
OK, yes yawls, listen up and pay close attention: Learn leadership lessons, on how to live life in Love Peace & Harmony, humanly, humanely, as holistic Humanoid-ians, happy - healed - healthy humans of humankind. 
First and foremost, We's & Us's aren't adjectives, adverse aberrations and affectations and afflictions. Africans as Americans, and Aboriginal Africoidians, are absolutely against, attaching adjectives to Nationalized Native Nouns; namely negative Negroes and N....words!
Concocted Christian Color Coded Criminalizing Curses, counter-combating clean cultural causes, corresponding cures!
Now next know these total told truths 100%+ positive proofed - proved proposition. There has historically never been biological bodily beings baby born "blacks". In fact that's a Sociopath Sex Slavers, bogus belief based bigotry, bad bastardized black-bitchcraft!
Likewise, westernized world wizardry, wedged with whitewashed wicked witchcraft. Simply so said, there isn't in Ethnicity's existence, physical presence, anywhere and or anybody baby birthed being bodily; "whites"!!
Furthermore, I don't care who they are, trying to tell y'all differently, thus terming themselves the; "black race" and "white race"; they are fraud in fact leading liars of longstanding lost losers lies!
'Come Follow Me': closely, populations of planetary people, private persons, were purposely programmed. That they're adjectives instead of nouns and pronouns, 2 parts of speech of about 8-9. Elementary teachings, fundamental foundation for (basic) building blocks of better beneficially bestowed blessings; and the best beliefs.
Yawls can no longer say you've not been told: Once learned as a lesson for forthright leaderships; one should now know the distinguishing differences between Crayola Colors - Crayons, and real live humans. 
BUTT BEWARE: Some of us are simply stubbornly stuck on staying stupid, idiots and innate ignoramuses. So be it! 
Howsoever, we're no longer living back in the old obsolete bygone days of the 17th - 18th - 19th and 20th centuries. When/where these terrorist thugs, terrestrial transgressors, taught their entrapped and enslaved Ethnicity, that they were less than holistic humans. Commonly called chattels = cattle!
Unfortunately, the termed; 'Post Traumatic Slave Syndromes or Sickness - PTSS'; persist to plague the psychology of these programmed people. Purposely playing prejudicial party politics!
Transitional Timetables 2016: strictly and specifically states, that those termed, thus terming themselves the; "black people" and the "white people"; "white Americans" and "black Americans"; are antagonist adversaries and aliens agencies, acting against actuality!
Compelling Consequences - Circumstances: "Open Genocide"; human hostility hate-homicides, self sacrificing suicides; prescription pill poisoning PHARMACIDE. Are also prescribed penalties + punishments; and proscriptions for pretentious personages.
In short so simply said: l've listened in on others offensive online, alleged and assumed "Alternative Media"; for approx. about 16 years to date: expressly, "black media"; "black talkers" "black liberation radio"; etc., etc. etc. Fine and dandy, I took notes vs votes!
Howsoever, I Spiritually sensed something seriously sinister and satanic, when studying what the wanna-be-black leaders were bragging, boasting, bullying and bluffing 'bout being "blacks". Arrogant and ambitious and aggressive!
I looked into the etymology of these tong twisted terminology, and origins and connotations and annotations. I did my homework, in which, is my Authentically Authorized Appointed And Anointed Artworks!
DIVINE DECREED DISCOVERY: Inhumanity and insanity, vs humanity and sanity. Wexz & Usxz, are absolutely not Negroes - Blacks & Coloreds!!!
In brief: there are adverse atmospheric and atomic activities accumulating around all Americans; Afro-Anglo-America. And what I keep on hearing the online blackened broadcasters and whitewashing wizards, proclaim publicly, are that "the globalists"; capitalists - colonialists captors of corrupted corporations are criminals. And they're truthful testimonies too!
Nevertheless, that their nationalized narratives, narrow negative mindsets and shortsighted perspectives + perceptions perplexes + plagues them tremendously. Basically because, there are activated atoms affecting the above and all around atmospheres and airs. {ATUM-ATOM-AMEN ANKH}
What the radio talk show hosts and invited guests, spokespersons, see coming down the pike, is real and actual. Not a mental mirage, man made manufactured Maze-Matrix. 
MOTHER MAATRIXHer Earthly Body, is getting/gittin' good riddance, of each and every Ethnicity, who wantonly wish they were adverse adjectives instead of nouns and pronouns and Nationalized names. She no longer tolerates territorial tyrants - thugs - terrorists, terrestrial transgressors!
So then I intelligently inform y'all, that it is no mere coincidence nor accident or happenstance, that all Americans, regardless of what superficial surface skin shades, sunshine sheen, lives are in jeopardy!
In spite, of their cosmetic coloration complexions, light or dark tissue tones - tans - tints. They're being blockaded, bombarded - blatantly blasted by bad beliefs, and bogus blacklisted broadcasts!
My Master Mind Melanin Messiah's militarized mission, is simply to only open the closed and locked doors to approx. amounting about: 10% to 12%. Righteously redeemed, delivered and Saved Sovereign Solar Sexus Souls = BLACKSOULS & REDSPIRITS!!! { red blooded bio-bodily beings}
Another approx. about 88% to 90%: can choose to religiously believe in bogus bull baloney. There's no hope for them terming themselves the "black folks" and "white folks". We're now in the Computerized Cyberspace-age 21st century of the year twenty-sixteen. No sorry excuses and pitiful alibis, for intentional ignorance - idiocy!
WHY'S: Are what I've happily given to yawls for financial free. no capital cash currency charge or cost to this ; imperatively important information! ( Rendered Revelation)
Constitutional Continental Country, containing collective citizenry, are actively being caged and corralled and completely controlled. Due to being two-legged upright walking contagious cancer cells; corrosive contaminants, color coded criminalized curses; citywide - countywide - countrywide, crisscross-continents!
Purposely planned prison plantation: 'a cage for every hateful and deceitful bird'; blackened body and bleached being. Wanna-be whites and wanna-be-blacks and wana-be-browns. {VIRONS: violent vicious viruses and destructive deadly diseases!}
One can arm themselves with all of their peashooters, and slingshots, petty pellet-handguns, and repeat riffles, all they wantonly wish. Basically because, they're no military match for fearless fighting forces, forest fires, ferocious flames, flash floods, freezes. And complainers crying can baby blame and point the evil finger at the United States Presidential Oval Office & Executive Officer. Congress, Supreme Court, The Senate, or overall House of Representatives - Legislative-Judicial Branches of Government. Thus to no avail!
WHY?!: Ethereal Esoteric Extraterrestrials; Excited energies, executing entities existing everywhere - exercising everyplace, encompassing every element, enveloping everybody. Exhibiting essential essences, exhaling emissions, elevating ecology, enhancing economy, = excelling ECOENERGYSTICS-1!
Thank y'all very kindly from the kindhearted kinky KING of COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts and Avatar Avenger AmericAfrindian ArtistCHD1.  +

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